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Salinger Imitation Writing Activity

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1 Salinger Imitation Writing Activity
The Catcher in the Rye Salinger Imitation Writing Activity


3 Salinger Style Creative Writing
Today we’re going to do something a little different. You’re going to try to write like Salinger does in Catcher in the Rye but you’ll be writing about your own experiences/views and you’ll take the Holden narrator role.

4 Salinger Style Creative Writing
You’ll write for about 15 minutes in class and then the class will go around and read each other’s stories. Your goal is to sound like Holden and write like Salinger does (but you’ll be talking about yourself/your own experiences).

5 Salinger Style Creative Writing
Some possible topics to get you started: Your first day of high school at Neuqua A typical lunch period at Neuqua A typical English Class Your crush/your first date with him/her The homecoming dance Going to a Neuqua football game

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