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Slavery notes Wh MR pACK.

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1 Slavery notes Wh MR pACK

2 Slavery Triangular Trade
European goods (guns, cloth) brought to Africa to trade for slaves (estimated 12 million) Slaves taken to the Americas and traded/sold for tobacco, molasses, sugar and cotton. Tobacco, sugar, etc. brought back to Europe and sold

3 Triangular Trade

4 Slavery Middle Passage- the Journey from Africa to America. High death rate due to disease and travel conditions. Slavery existed previously and during time in Africa, but mostly war captives. African slaves brought to America to supply labor for sugarcane plantations (native population wiped out by disease).

5 Diagram Slave Ship (1790)

6 Slavery Effects of slave trade in Africa Depopulation of many areas
Deprivation of the youngest and strongest men and women Increased warfare between neighboring peoples Local African rulers profit from slave trade, raids conducted to capture/force into slavery

7 Slavery North Africans (pirates/corsairs of the Barbary Coast) raid ships, coastal towns of Mediterranean. Europeans slaves serve in mines for labor or ransom. (estimated 1 million).


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