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Habit 2: Begin With the End In Mind

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Presentation on theme: "Habit 2: Begin With the End In Mind"— Presentation transcript:

1 Habit 2: Begin With the End In Mind
Control your own destiny or someone else will

2 Bell Ringer: Be Proactive
In your journal, draw a ‘T’ chart and write things you have control over and things you have NO control over in your life. I Can Control I Can’t Control

3 Group Activity

4 Begin With The End In Mind
Definition: Developing a clear picture of where you want to go with your life. Deciding what your values are Setting goals Habit 1, Be Proactive, says you are the driver of your life Habit 2 says, since you’re the driver, decide where you want to go and draw up a map to get there.

5 What does “Begin With The End In Mind” really mean?
We do it all the time Blueprints for buildings Reading the recipe before baking the cake Creating an outline before writing a paper

6 Crossroads in Life If you have an end in mind, it makes it easier to make decisions about the big things: Do you want to go to college? What type of guy or girl will you marry? What type of friends will you have? What kind of relationships will you have with your family? Will you have sex before marriage?

7 What About Friends? Friends can have a powerful influence on you
Hanging out with a group of friends that don’t have the same principles you have will make you guilty by association, even if you don’t do everything they do

8 What About Sex? An important decision with huge consequences
The path you choose will affect your health, self-image, how fast you grow up, your reputation, whom you marry, your future children, and so much more.

9 What About School, Work, or Military?
You have decisions to make right now about your schooling. Are you taking AP classes or have you even thought that far ahead? What kind of job do you want? What branch of the military do you want to join?

10 Take the Lead If you don’t plan for your future, someone else will.
Who? Your parents or your friends Ever not known where to go, so you followed the crowd and then discovered that the crowd didn’t know where to go either?

11 Homework Due Tomorrow Interview a parent/guardian, older sibling, or adult that you are close with. Ask them about one crossroad they had in their teen years. Write one page entry in your journal about their crossroad, the choice(s) they made, and how their future was affected.

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