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The Middle Colonies Chapter 3, Lesson 3

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1 The Middle Colonies Chapter 3, Lesson 3
EQ: How did geography, religion, and government affect how people lived in the English colonies?

2 Home Learning: Define Vocabulary Chapter 3, Lesson 3
Patroon Pacifist Quaker Ethnic Propitiatory colony

3 Bell Ringer: Preview Activity
Turn to pg. 75, chapter 3, lesson 3. Read the Headings Look at the images, pictures, and infographics. Discussion: What do you think the chapter is about? Write down 5 topics the lesson will discuss.

4 Middle Colonies 1 3 2 4 New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware
Appalachian Mountains

5 The “Breadbasket” Colonies
Located between the New England Colonies and the Southern Colonies.

6 Middle Colonies Interactive Notebook
Let’s create the booklet. Write The Middle Colonies top right corner Write the name of each colony in the front tab Inside each section answer in complete sentences the following (pg.75-78): Explain: How was the colony founded? (3 sentences) Identify: Who was its founder, leader, or proprietor (owner)? Describe: What was its government like? Identify: Who lived in the colony or what was its population like?

7 NEW YORK (1664) The English created New York and New Jersey from a former Dutch territory NY was first controlled by the Dutch and called New Netherland. Their town New Amsterdam was a seaport at the mouth of the Hudson River. Dutch West India Company settled New Netherland by giving land to people who could bring at least 50 settlers to work the land. Patroons: were the land owners who received these land grants.

8 New Amsterdam in 1664

9 New Netherlands Become NEW YORK
The English wanted New Netherland because they claimed they had explored the land first, they sent a fleet to capture it. Peter Stuyvesant (Dutch governor) was forced to surrender to the English. English captured New Netherland in 1664 and renamed it New York.

10 The Duke of York King Charles II (king of England) gave New Netherland to his brother the Duke of York. The colony was renamed New York and thrived under English control.

11 NEW JERSEY (1702) The Duke of York (owner of New York) divided his colony. He gave this land to Lord John Berkeley & Sir Carteret, they name the colony New Jersey. It had a diverse ethnic population, including Dutch, Swedes, Finns, and Scots.

12 Bell Ringer: Compare and Contrast: Middle Colonies and the New England Colonies
Turn to page 77—and look at the Map of the Middle Colonies. Then turn to page 73—and look at the Map of New England Colonies. What similarities and differences do you see? Draw a Venn Diagram and show the differences and similarities. Write a 4-5 sentence paragraph

13 Pennsylvania (1681) Society of Friends, or Quakers, was one of largest Protestant groups in England. Quakers were pacifists—people who refused to fight in wars.

14 William Penn established the colony of Pennsylvania
William Penn founded Pennsylvania, a larger colony for Quakers that provided a safe home. Pennsylvania was founded to escape religious persecution in England. Pennsylvania had religious freedom and toleration. Philadelphia (“brotherly love”) is the main town.

15 Penn’s “Holy Experiment”
Quakers believed everyone was equal. William Penn promised fair treatment of Native Americans. Believed that Native Americans owned the land and settlers should pay for it. He negotiates several treaties with Native Americans. However, as non-Quaker immigrants came, they were less tolerant of Indians (Scots-Irish).

16 Delaware (1682) Delaware was formed from the southern part of Pennsylvania. People from Sweden and the Netherlands settled there. William Penn let these colonists have their own government. Eventually this settlement became Delaware. Like Pennsylvania, Delaware had religious toleration.

17 Enrichment Activity: Each of the middle colonies had different histories and was founded for different reasons. If you were unhappy in Europe and were given a chance to move to one of these colonies during this time, which colony would you have chosen? Write a paragraph explaining your choice.

18 Summarizing Activity: Study Foldable
Create a four section foldable Label your colony Write information using your notes, textbook, power point. Use this for your quiz.

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