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NGC CAREER DAY March 20th 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "NGC CAREER DAY March 20th 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 NGC CAREER DAY March 20th 2018

2 Schedules Students will receive schedules 4th block Friday. They will report to Advisory instead of 4th block. There will be three careers listed on your schedule. Your schedule will list the Career and the Room Number. You may not have received your top choice as a speaker; however, you should have at least one of your top three selected. ALL SCHEDULES ARE FINAL. There will be no last minute revisions.

3 Student Expectations Go to Advisory instead of 4th block. Do not be late to your advisory, or you may not receive a schedule. Immediately report to each session. Do not walk the hallway. If you are late to a session, you will be given lunch detention next week. You only have five minutes between transition periods to each session. Pay attention! The speaker will not only talk about their career, but also about how his/her education impacted their decision. Ask questions but do so when appropriate. Do not talk over the speaker. Listen and raise your hand as you should in class. At the end of the session, thank the speaker on the way out for his/her time.

4 Timeline of Career Day 12:45- 12:53 Bell Rings for 4th block- Freshman Students go to Advisory to Receive Schedule 12:55 Transition to Session One 1:00 - 1:20 Session One 1:20 - 1:25 Transition to Session Two 1:25 - 1:45 Session Two 1:45 - 1:50 Transition to Session Three 1:50 –2:10 Session Three 2:10 – 2:25 Students complete Evaluation on Google Classroom

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