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Hicksville This week in: We are learning: Week of Feb. 12 to Feb. 16

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1 Hicksville This week in: We are learning: Week of Feb. 12 to Feb. 16
Math: Points, Lines, Angles, Polygons and Quadrilaterals Student Learning Goal: 4.GM.1.2 Name, describe, classify and construct polygons, and three-dimensional figures. Language Arts: Opinion Writing Student Learning Goals: 4.5.W.4 Compose declarative, imperative, interrogative, and exclamatory sentences. Social Studies/Science: Measurement Student Learning Goals: 4.GM.2.4 Understand angle length, and area as measureable attributes of real-world and mathematical objects. Use various tools to measure angles, length, area, and volume. *Terrific Kid – 2/23 Grace *Grove Valley Family Night was a complete blast!! Thank you for all who were able to come and show your support! Important Reminders *Please send your student’s decorated valentine box by Feb. 12th. *No School on Feb. 16th or Feb. 19th – President’s Day News Week of Feb. 12 to Feb. 16

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