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Bee your Best in ” Mrs. s English IV Class.

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Presentation on theme: "Bee your Best in ” Mrs. s English IV Class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bee your Best in Mrs s English IV Class

2 The Queen Bee Blas of sel Relocated to KY Teaching Experience

3 What to Know So You Won’t Get Stung...
Phone in the Pocket Extra Credit Opportunities Late Assignments = -10% each day Grading Reflects “Concept” NOT Category In Progress 50% / Summative 50% Two Full-Length Texts: Alas, Babylon by Pat Frank Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

4 Perspectives

5 What do we bring to the “discussion” when we open a “text”?
How does our perspective effect our reading? How do writers manipulate texts for specific audiences? How do the lenses we use effect our interpretation? Perspectives What makes up a community? How do we maneuver within different communities? How do avoid conflict in communities? What are the consequences of breaking “codes” within communities?

6 English IV Curriculum Map
Unit 1: Perception is Everything *Photo Essay *Narrative Argument Unit 2: Applying Critical Perspective *Literary Analysis Unit 3: Voicing Research *Argumentative Research Essay *Creating Documentary Unit 4: Navigating the Future *Presenting Discourse Communities

7 TALK TO ME ! COMMUNICATE! *Check the website: * *Phone: ext 412 COMMUNICATE! Register with “Remind” app. to 81010

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