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Review How did America begin?.

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1 Review How did America begin?

2 Chapter 4 America’s Political Heritage

3 Section 1: The Colonial Experience
From the beginning, the colonists were used to having a voice in their government. It was a right as an English citizen.

4 Roots of Freedom Greater Religious Freedom
A Call for Freedom of the Press Signs of Discontent More and more colonists began to wonder if England might try to take away their rights

5 Section 2: Roots of American Government
Looking to Ancient Greece and Rome Democracy and Republic The English Tradition The Magna Carta and English Bill of Rights These documents protected citizens rights and limited the power of the king Relying on Reason

6 Section 3: Moving Toward Nationhood
Colonists vs. English Government Opposing views on government No colonists were members of British Parliament Opposing view on trade England didn’t allow the colonists to trade with other countries ‘Taxation Without Representation’

7 The Declaration of Independence
July 4, 1776 Written by Thomas Jefferson Declared American independence from England

8 Organizing a New Government
Each state (13 of them) created a constitution, or plan of government Articles of Confederation Loose alliance of the states Not enough to form a strong united government

9 Ch. 4 Review 1. Why were the colonists used to having a voice in government? 2. What were the roots of freedom we discussed in colonial America? 3. What were the roots of American government we discussed? 4. What issues caused conflict between the colonists and the British government? 5. Why is July 4, 1776 significant? 6. How did the colonists attempt to form a government after declaring their independence?

10 Chapter 4Assessment Questions
Write out the questions and your answers based on the textbook and your notes. Turn in for a classwork grade when completed. Ch. 4 Review and Assessment, page 104 #

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