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Curriculum Newsletter
Year 1 Aut 2 Curriculum Newsletter Welcome back, we hope you have had a good half term! The children have settled really well . We will continue learning lots of exciting things this term and Christmas is coming! An adult will be available at the gate and door in the mornings and at the end of the day. Please feel free to come and ask any questions or pass on relevant information to do with your child. English The focus for this half term will be stories linked to the theme of Space. The children will be reading ‘Man on the Moon’ by Simon Bartram, ‘Aliens love underpants’ by Claire Freedman and other stories. They will be learning about the story of ‘Rama and Sita’ linked to Diwali through drama. The children will be learning how to write a short story and a postcard from the moon! They will be working towards their individual English targets; for example, using finger spaces, full stops, capital letters and adjectives to describe. Phonics will continue to be taught daily and the sounds the children learn, will be sent home in spellings for them to practise at home ready for a spelling test on the following Friday. Maths In maths, we will be learning to: Counting forwards and backwards in ones to 20 Write number to 20 in numerals and words. Counting in 10s and 1s on and back Compare groups of objects and numbers to 20 Order groups of objects and order numbers to 20 Recognise and visualise 2D and 3D shapes Sort 2D and 3D shapes Create and continue patterns with shapes Topic This term we will cover two topics “Man on the Moon” and “Boing! Spring! Slide!”. In Man on the Moon we will be looking at space and how light is used in festivals, such as the Hindu festival of Divali and Christmas. In Boing! Spring! Slide! we will be investigating different joining mechanisms in pop-up books and cards. We will be learning to make a spring, a slide and a spin mechanism and then design a Christmas card with our own chosen mechanism in it. Science: All about space History: Significant historical figures - Neil Armstrong R.E.: Diwali, symbolism of light, Christmas story Art: Moulding and manipulating clay to make a Diva lamp D.T.: Designing and making aliens, making a Christmas card. P.S.H.E.: Working together I.C.T.: Creating pictures on computers.
Learning together at home
English Share a selection of space, light and dark books together. Draw a picture from your favourite story to bring in and show us. Maths Practise counting in 1s and 10s on and back from different numbers Compare and order numbers to 20 Talk about shapes around us. Topic Use junk modelling to make a space rocket. Please can all rockets be brought into school by Friday 23rd November. These will be put on display for everyone to see when you come and visit for an open afternoon on Thursday 29th November 2:30pm. Future Dates 29th November - Celebration of Learning 2.30 (More information to follow) 7th December – Christmas Fayre 5:30-7:30pm 14th December – Christmas Jumper Day 17th December – Nativity 1.45pm 18th December – Nativity 9:15am 19th December –Nativity 9:15am 19th December - Christmas Lunch 20th December – Christmas party 21st December – Last day of term DT Start collecting boxes for junk modelling to bring to school on Monday 26th November. Thank you.
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