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Teacher: Mrs. C. Quigley Writing 2203 Teacher: Mrs. C. Quigley

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1 Teacher: Mrs. C. Quigley
Writing 2203 Teacher: Mrs. C. Quigley

2 Evaluator Writing 2203 Text: Reference Points
Writing Portfolio=Magazine Portfolio This portfolio for each student’s writing production is mandatory.

3 Portfolio Assessment The magazine portfolio must contain work from all the following writing modes: Expressive: weekly journal writing, letters, tests, etc …25% Transactional: A minimum of five polished texts for a variety of purposes. One must be research. There should be eight to twelve drafts contained in the portfolio of which five to eight are final products…..……………………….…25% Poetic: A minimum of four pieces of poetic writing representing both verse and narrative prose. There should be eight to twelve drafts contained in the portfolio of which five to eight are final products.…………………………….25%

4 Portfolio Assessment Media & Magazine Portfolio: 25%

5 Objective of Course Students are encouraged to become an integral part of the publishing community of writers by sharing their work with peers, submitting their texts to writing competitions, writing for a school or community newspaper, orally presenting their work to a large group, etc.

6 B. Cooperative Learning Assessment
Students will be expected to evaluate their own growth in writing throughout the course- this from of assessment is invaluable for their development of critical and analytical thought. Group Work and Collaboration

7 Portfolio Assessment & E-Class
Expressive % Transactional % Poetic % Media % Total: %

8 Term 1:Unit1 Unit 1: Myself as Writer
Category: Transactional Writing and Expressive Writing What is writing? My favorite writer is… Personal poem /song Autobiography-thinking outside the box Journals Short Story – narrative and descriptive writing

9 Unit 1 Personal Writing 3. Components of grammar
Autobiography ( poetic form) 3. Components of grammar 4. Example: Power point on favorite writer Category: Transactional Writing Example and Illustration Research Test on grammar and example and illustration

10 Transactional Writing
Narrative Descriptive Example and Illustration Comparison and Contrast Cause and Effect Process Analysis Classification and Division

11 Unit 1-continued Journals Cartoons Example and Illustration
Comparison and Contrast

12 Term 1 4. Short Stories The world of stories Bringing stories to life
Structure, Meaning and Beyond Humor Two minute mystery (cause and effect) One Act Play/ Storybook for children

13 Unit 2 Unit 2: Myself as Researcher
Category: Transactional Writing and Expressive Writing Expository Writing Overview, planning and note making Finding and Evaluating Information Recording, documenting, and organizing information Writing your essay

14 Unit 2 1. Expository Writing 2. How to write an effective essay
Comparison and Contrast Block and Side by Side method 3. Note taking: Cornell Method 4. Research Essay: The evolution of writing-past, present and future. APA

15 Term 2: Unit 3 Unit3: Myself as a Letter Writer
Category: Transactional Writing and Expressive Writing Friendly letter Cover Letter or Letter to the Editor

16 Unit 3 1. How to write effective letters.
Is letter writing a lost art? 2. Researching templates and letter formats on computer 3. The role of texting and blogging

17 Unit4 Unit 4: Myself as Poet/Songwriter Category: Poetic

18 Unit4 1. Poetic Writing From the Concrete to the Abstract
Poetic Techniques 2. Poetry about People Music and emotion in poetry your poems 3. The role of narrative and descriptive components in poetry

19 Unit 5 Unit 5: Myself as journalist, advertiser or doer!
Category: Expressive and Transactional

20 Unit 5 Reporting and assessing the news
Propaganda and advertising techniques Process Analysis-Group Project Job search and application

21 What you need for your portfolio
Magazine Portfolio Exercise book for journal & daily work Divisions: Expressive Writing Transactional Writing Poetic Writing Group Work

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