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Non-Fiction What is Non-Fiction?

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Presentation on theme: "Non-Fiction What is Non-Fiction?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Non-Fiction What is Non-Fiction? What are some examples of Non-Fiction? What are some elements of Non-Fiction?

2 Non-Fiction Terms 1. Biography-the of a person's told by someone
2.Autobiography- the of a person's told by that Memoir-focuses on one or a in a person's Journal- narrative that reflects the passage of in one's Diary- a dated of the life Letter- communication between parties story life else story life person event period life personal time life record writer’s written two

3 Non-Fiction Terms 3. Essay- piece of writing on a subject short single
Personal-expresses writers’ and Persuasive- tries to readers to a certain point of Expository- presents or information 4. Informative article- provides about a subject short single thoughts feelings convince adopt view explains facts single

4 Non-Fiction Terms objective News story- and account of events unbiased
Feature story- interest story focusing on interesting or Magazine article- writing designed to and hold your 5. Interview- a in which one person asks to obtain objective unbiased current human events people catch attention conversation questions information

5 Non-Fiction Terms Patterns of Organization
1. Chronological (time order)-writing that _______ events or ____________in time ________ 2. Sequential-writing that _________events or steps in the __________ in which they ________ 3. Cause and Effect-writing in which one _________ (or cause) results in __________event (or effect) presents steps order presents order occur event another

6 Non-Fiction Terms 4. Compare and Contrast- writing that explains and between two or more 5. Problem and Solution-writing that an _____ and proposes a 6. Spatial-writing that helps the reader picture among 7. Simple Listing-writing that lists items in a series of supporting or . similarities differences subjects identifies issue solution relationships objects randomly facts details

7 Non-Fiction Foldable Types of Non-Fiction Patterns of Organization
Biography Chronological Autobiography Sequential Memoir Cause and Effect Journal,Diary,Letter Compare and Contrast Essay (personal, persuasive, Problem and Solution expository) Informative Article Spatial Interview Simple Listing

8 Person Place Thing Idea
Nouns Person Place Thing Idea Common Noun: city, team, boy Proper Noun: Charlotte, Giants, Steven Compound Noun: firefly, bloodhound Common names for things Specific Names Two words put together to make a noun

9 Ticket Out In your own words, what is non-fiction?
How do we use non-fiction on a daily basis? List 3 examples.

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