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Background knowledge for CPR

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1 Background knowledge for CPR
Practitioner Level

2 Objectives Assess for scene safety
List the principles of standard infection control precautions

3 Scene Survey Rationale Method
It is important that there is no risk to you as the rescuer or further risk to the patient, where a hazard is identified it must be removed to ensure safety Method Visually scan the area for hazards e.g. Traffic Electrical Fire Hypodermic Needles Construction site e.g. debris

4 Standard Infection Control
Gloves Facemask Goggles

5 Standard Infection Control Precautions
It is required that healthcare workers use standard precautions in the workplace Barrier devices Face Shield Pocket Face mask

6 Adult Chain of Survival
Early Access Early CPR Early Defibrillation Early Advanced Care

7 The Chain of Survival Early Access Early CPR Early Defibrillation
9 The Chain of Survival Early Access Early CPR Early Defibrillation Early Advanced Care

8 Early Access Rationale Method Early recognition of a
life threatening emergency Get an AED to the patient quickly Method Calling for an emergency ambulance (community) 999 & retrieving an AED Or activate the in hospital emergency response number

9 Early CPR Rationale Method
Perfuse the brain & vital organs Keeps the heart in Ventricular Fibrillation (VF) Buys time to allow for successful defibrillation using an AED Double / triple with bystander CPR Method Providing good and effective chest compressions Push hard Push fast Providing ventilations (breaths)

10 Early CPR Clinical Death 0-4 Mins 5 10 15 20 Biological Death 4-6

11 Early Defibrillation Rationale Method Time critical
The earlier an AED is used to defibrillate the heart the higher the rate of success As each minute of delay passes the rate of success falls rapidly Method An AED delivers an electrical shock to the to the heart in VF in an attempt to return the hearts own pacemaker to a normal rhythm Witnessed V's Un-witnessed cardiac arrest

12 Early Advanced Care Rationale Method Pre-hospital and in Hospital
During resuscitation and Post resuscitation advanced medical procedures may improve the chances of survival Method Insert devices to provide oxygen and protect the patients airway Vascular access to enable the administration of medications Pre-hospital and in Hospital Provided by Advanced Paramedic pre hospital Provided by Medics and Nurses pre-hospital & in hospital

13 Paediatric Chain of Survival
Prevention of Arrest Early CPR Early Access Early Advanced Care

14 Prevention of Arrest Rationale Method
Children do not typically suffer from heart disease Primary cause of cardiac arrest in children is respiratory in nature or as a result of trauma Method Bicycle helmets Car seats, seat in the rear of cars, seat belts Rail protection around pools Locks on presses to prevent accidental poisoning Back to sleep, no smoking around infant

15 Early CPR Rationale Method
As children usually suffer cardiac arrest as a result of a respiratory problem, it is more beneficial to provide a few minutes of CPR and then call for help if you are a lone rescuer Method Providing ventilations (breaths) Providing good and effective chest compressions Push hard Push fast

16 Early Access Rationale Method
Early recognition of a life threatening emergency Get an AED to the patient quickly Method Calling for an emergency ambulance (community) Activating the emergency response team (hospital) Retrieving an AED

17 Early Advanced Care Rationale Method Pre-hospital and in Hospital
During resuscitation and Post resuscitation advanced medical procedures may improve the chances of survival Method Insert devices to provide oxygen and protect the patients airway Vascular access to enable the administration of medications Pre-hospital and in Hospital Provided by Advanced Paramedic pre hospital Provided by Medics and Nurses pre-hospital & in hospital

18 Life Threatening Emergencies
Heart Attack Stroke Cardiac Arrest Foreign body airway obstruction

19 Heart Attack Definition Signs and symptoms Atypical Presentations
A heart attack occurs when the blood vessel(s) that carry oxygen rich blood to the heart muscle are severely narrowed or occluded by a clot The result is that the muscle starts to die Signs and symptoms Chest Pain Breathing difficulty Sweating Nausea Weakness Atypical Presentations Complete Blockage INFARCTED AREA

20 Aspirin Pharmacology (Action) Indications
Inhibits platelet aggregation, which reduces clot/thrombus formation AKA Aspirin, Disprin®, AsproClear, NuSeal Indications Cardiac chest pain

21 Aspirin Contra indications Allergy Bleeding disorder Gastric Ulcer Dosage 300mg soluble tablet Side effects Epigastric pain and discomfort Bronchospasm Gastrointestinal haemorrhage

22 Aspirin Demonstrate administration
Ensure that the patient is not allergic or has any other contraindications 2. Explain the procedure, and get the patients consent to administer aspirin 3. Dissolve one 300mg tablet in a small amount of water ask the patient to drink this 4. Alternatively ask the patient to chew tablet And swallow with a small amount of water

23 Stroke Definition Signs and symptoms
A blood vessel supplying blood to the brain becomes occluded or a vessel supplying blood to the brain bursts (80% Embolic, 20% Haemorrhagic) Signs and symptoms Paralysis on one side of the body Numbness or weakness Headache, difficulty with vision Confusion, difficulty with speech

24 Stroke Caused by a Clot

25 Stroke Caused by a Bleed

26 Cardiac Arrest Definition Signs and symptoms
The heart muscle stops circulating blood to the vital organs Signs and symptoms Unresponsive No breathing No pulse

27 Cardiac Arrest The heart muscle stops circulating blood to the vital organs

28 Foreign body airway obstruction
Definition of Choking Partial or complete obstruction of the airway by A foreign body, this can be mild or severe Signs and symptoms Mild Good air exchange Responsive Can cough

29 Foreign body airway obstruction
Signs and symptoms Severe Poor or no air exchange Weak ineffective cough or no cough High pitched noise or silent when inhaling Unable to speak Universal signal “Clasping neck with hands” May be cyanotic “Blue”

30 Foreign body airway obstruction
Signs and symptoms Severe Universal signal “Clasping neck with hands” Poor or no air exchange Weak ineffective cough or no cough High pitched noise or silent when inhaling Unable to speak May be cyanotic “Blueness around mouth”

31 Questions ?????

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