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“Day C” March 20, :51 - 8:51 Math 8:53 - 9:53 Science

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Presentation on theme: "“Day C” March 20, :51 - 8:51 Math 8:53 - 9:53 Science"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Day C” March 20, 2017 7:51 - 8:51 Math 8:53 - 9:53 Science
7: :51 Math 8: :53 Science 9: :55 Exploratory 10:57 -11:27 11:29 -12:31 LUNCH (1st Lunch) (bring lunch $) Social Studies 12: :33 English 1: :35 Bring your lunch with you, lockers will be after lunch. Cell phones are in lockers Gum is in trash Your schedule for today!

2 What are some of the things that you notice
What are some of the things that you notice? What are some of the things that you wonder?

3 Common Assessment 10 Please get a Common Assessment #10 to complete
You will have 15 minutes to work on it (please make sure your name is on it before you hand it in) Check it over and make sure you answered everything before turning it in.

4 I will be able to: use my knowledge on how to calculate area and perimeter.
So that I can: make sense and persevere in solving a real world problem and attend to precision to determine the area and perimeter of the rug. I will know I got it when: I can successfully complete a MCAS open response problem independently and earn a score of 2 or better. 6, GA.1, 6.MP.1, 6 MP. 6

5 Language Objective By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use the language domains of reading and writing to communicate the academic math language of 6th grade MCAS mathematics. They will persevere and verbally communicate and write the solution to real world and mathematical problems and attend to precision. They will demonstrate their understanding by completing an MCAS Open Response Question independently. They will show their understanding when they can earn a score of 2 or better. Academic Math language Vocabulary: perimeter, area, rectangle, square feet,

6 Read the first time. Ask yourself, “what is this situation about?”
Read the problem a second time. Ask yourself, “what are the quantities in the situation?” Read the problem a third time. Ask yourself, “what mathematical questions can we ask about the situation?” Kelsey has a rectangular rug in the center of her bedroom. The quantities include 9 feet, 2 feet, 11 feet. What formulas do I need to know? What operations will I use for area? What operations will I use for perimeter? How will I find the area not covered by the rug?

7 Discuss with your partners what are some things you need to know to solve this problem (evidence from the problem itself). Discuss with your partners what are some things you need to know how to solve this problem (how are you going to solve it? What skills do you need?)

8 After discussing with your partners, on the left side of your notebook you are going to do the ROUGH DRAFT of your open response. Label your parts to your work. Make sure to show evidence for your answers. Later, you will write the FINAL DRAFT on the right side of your notebook.

9 You will have 20 minutes to write your final draft.
Make sure you are following A.E.E. (Answer, make sure you restate your question in your answer, explain and show your evidence!)

10 topic. How do you feel?

11 Handout

12 Accommodations Read or reread presentation or activity directions, as needed or after prompting Use examples to model and act as a guide for emerging learners

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