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Presentation on theme: "Vitamins."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vitamins

2 Doesn't metabolize to yield energy .
-vital to life . -group of substance turned out to have the particular metabolic activity . - nitrogen –containing chemical substance called an amine { vital amine }.

3 *definition of vitamins :
-vital organic dietary substance that is not an energy producing CHO,fat ,protein ,needed in very small quantities to perform a particular metabolic function . It cant be manufactured by the body & therefore must be supplied in food .

4 ** classification of vitamins :
Fat soluble vitamins : A,D,E,K - they can be stored . -associated with lipid . 2- water soluble vitamins : -B complex family ,C -they cannot be stored . -vitamins B act as co-enzyme in cell metabolism . -vita mine C is vital structural agent .

5 Fat soluble vitamins ** vitamin A :
has specific function in the retina of the eye . found only in animal food sources . deposited in the liver ,kidneys ,lungs , & fat tissue . found in egg yolk ,liver ,pigment of carrots .

6 absorption of vit A under assistance of :
bile salts so obstruction of bile duct , infectious hepatitis & liver cirrhosis = decrease the absorption of vit A . pancreatic lipase . Dietary fat stimulate bile release for effective absorption of vitamin A . absorption of vitamin A through small intestine to blood stream then to the lymphatic system then to liver 90% stored at liver

7 functions of vitamin A :
has role in visual adaptation to light & dark . has role in covering epithelial tissue . reproductive function . vitamin A deficiency lead to night blindness ,this condition usually cured in about 30 minutes by an injection of vitamin A . vitamin A is necessary to build & maintain healthy epithelial tissue & act as barrier to infections . the epithelium include not only the outer skin , but also the inner mucous membrane .

8 without vitamin A the epithelial cells become dry & flat , then gradually harden to form keratin .
keratin is a protein that forms dry scale like tissue , normal in the nail & hair , but abnormal in the skin & mucous membrane .

9 ** deficiency of vitamin A lead to :
eye : cornea dries , blindness . respiratory tract : dryness of epithelium & cracked of salivary glands . gastro intestinal system : decrease of mucous membrane secretion affect on digestion & absorption . genitourinary tract : vaginal infection & dryness of vaginal mucosa ,urinary tract infection ,stone formation . integmentary function : skin become dry & scaly

10 tooth formation : decrease development of teeth
** N. B : vitamin A is essential for bone growth . Vitamin A is necessary to support normal sexual maturation during adolescence period . -sever deficiency of vitamin A lead to sterility

11 ** vitamin A deficiency due to
in-adequate dietary intake . poor absorption due to lack of bile . disease of the liver or intestine that obstruct its metabolism & absorption

12 ** hyper vitaminosis: joint pain thickening of long bone loss of hair
jaundice liver affection ,portal hyper tension & ascites ** source of vitamin A : animal source [ liver ,kidney ,butter egg yolk ] plant source : green vegetables ,fruit


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