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Using Commas to Separate

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Presentation on theme: "Using Commas to Separate"— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Commas to Separate

2 Separate items in a series
When you are listing items Example: The manager spoke to Tim, Brian, Mike, and Rob.

3 Separate short, independent clauses in a series
When you are listing complete sentences Example: The pilots chatted, they looked at the map, they prepared to lift off, and they greeted the passengers.

4 Separate two or more adjectives preceding a nouns
They should be like and similar adjectives Example The model is a tall, handsome man.

5 Separate independent clauses
Two complete sentences placed together Example We wanted to stay on that road, but it was closed due to the accident.

6 4 ways to use a comma to separate
A. Separate items in a series B. Separate short, independent clauses in a series C. Separate two or more adjectives preceding a noun D. Separate independent clauses

7 In your groups…. Pick any TWO to write a sentence showcasing.

8 On your paddles…. Identify where the commas go.
My mom is a kind considerate woman. It is important that you understand this material and you must also include your information. For Christmas I received a TV stand a new pair of shoes and three t-shirts. My dog ate his dinner he drank his water and he ran out the door.

9 On your paddles…. Identify the rule letter that is used in the following sentences. My mom is a kind, considerate woman. It is important that you understand this material, and you must also include your information. For Christmas I received a TV stand, a new pair of shoes, and three t-shirts. My dog ate his dinner, he drank his water, and he ran out the door.

10 On your own.. Commas Used to Separate – Look in your packet and practice on your own.

11 Using Commas After Phrases

12 After words such as well, yes, no, and why
When they begin a sentence Example: Yes, this is the correct answer.

13 After introductory participle phrases
A phrase that is at the beginning Example: Wanting to help the stranded motorist, Dad steered his car off the parkway.

14 After several introductory prepositional phrases
When there are several occurring after each other Show time, location, movement Example In the middle of the night, that noise scared the youngsters.

15 After introductory adverbial clause
Tells how, when, why, to what extent Example Because the rain is still falling, we will have to cancel the picnic.

16 4 ways to use a comma after phrases
E. After words such as well, yes, no, and why when they begin a sentence F. After an introductory participle phrase G. After several consecutive introductory prepositional phrases H. After an introductory adverbial clause

17 In your groups…. Pick any TWO to write a sentence showcasing.

18 On your paddles…. Identify where the commas go.
Although dinner is late we will still eat it. Well you did receive extra credit on some of your assignments. During the longest day of the school year I had to take a test. Standing over seven-feet tall that man is a great basketball player.

19 On your paddles…. Identify the rule number that is used in the following sentences. Although dinner is late, we will still eat it. Well, you did receive extra credit on some of your assignments. During the longest day of the school year, I had to take a test. Standing over seven-feet tall, that man is a great basketball player.

20 On your own.. Commas After a Phrase – Open your packet and try some on your own.

21 Using Commas to Set Off

22 Set off parenthetical expressions
To state an opinion or author’s note Example: This type of machinery, in my opinion, is outdated.

23 Set off the salutation of a friendly letter
As well as the closing Example: Dear Maria, Yours truly,

24 Set off items in dates and addresses
Example My friend was born on July 21, 1978.

25 Set off names in direct address
A person’s name Example Greg, are you going to apply for summer work this year?

26 Set off nonessential clauses and nonessential participle phrases
All that “extra” information Example These doctors, who have been in the same practice for fifteen years, are going to be at my cousin’s wedding.

27 Set off appositives and appositive phrases
Renaming a noun or pronoun Example New Jersey, the Garden State, is where my uncle lives.

28 6 ways to use a comma to set off thoughts
I. Set off parenthetical expressions J. Set off the salutation or closing of a letter K. Set off items in dates and addresses L. Set off names in direct address M. Set off nonessential clauses and nonessential participle phrases N. Set off appositives and appositive phrases

29 In your groups…. Pick any TWO to write a sentence showcasing.

30 On your paddles…. Identify where the commas go.
I was born August Sincerely May The dogs I think, are crazy after being in their crates all day. Sophia are you ready for summer? Those teachers, who many all be from Maryland are off tomorrow. Jim my dentist is very kind.

31 On your paddles…. Identify the rule letter that is used in the following sentences. I was born August 9, 1986. Sincerely, May The dogs, I think, are crazy after being in their crates all day. Sophie, are you ready for summer? Those teachers, who many all be from Maryland, are off tomorrow. Jim, my dentist, is very kind.

32 On your own.. Commas Used to Set Off – Turn to your packet and practice

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