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Mental/Emotional Health

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Presentation on theme: "Mental/Emotional Health"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mental/Emotional Health
The ability to handle the stresses and changes of everyday life in a reasonable way.

2 Stress your body’s response to changes around you
Positive Being excited about a race and feeling a burst of energy Helps you reach goals and accomplish tasks, along with provide energy needed to help you escape danger Negative Gets in the way and holds you back Often out of your control May include problems at home or at school Too much can be unhealthy

3 Activity In your notebook write down 5 things that stress 7th graders out Next, share with a partner near you and make a list of 10 Lastly, for every stressor, write a way to relieve that stress. (total 10)


5 Signs of good Mental/Emotional Health
Have a good attitude & positive outlook Recognize strengths & weaknesses Set realistic goals (S.M.A.R.T) (specific, measureable, attainable, realistic, timely) Act responsibly Accept constructive feedback

6 Refusal Skills Decision Making
H.E.L.P Method H – Healthful – (What are the risks?) E – Ethical – (Is your choice right according to core values?) L - Legal-What are the rules? P - Parental Approval (Would my parents approve?) S.T.O.P Method S - Say no T - Tell Why Not O - Offer other ideas P - Promptly leave

7 Accepting Who You Are You need to recognize your strengths and work on improving your weaknesses. In the next few years, you will learn a lot about your personality. personality A combination of your likes, dislikes, attitudes, abilities, and habits

8 Identifying with and sharing another person’s feelings.
Empathy Identifying with and sharing another person’s feelings.

9 Belief in your ability to do what you set out to do.
Confidence Belief in your ability to do what you set out to do.

10 The way you see yourself
Self Concept The way you see yourself

11 How you feel about yourself!
Self-Esteem How you feel about yourself!

12 Video Clip Normal is Overrated Soul Surfer
Does Bethany have a good self-concept? Does Bethany have a good self-esteem? How could she build her self-concept/self-esteem?

13 Video Clip Lose That Weight Spanglish
Does Bernie have a good self-concept? Does Bernie have a good self-esteem? How could she build her self-concept/self-esteem?

14 Video Clip A Little Different Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
Does Flint have a good self-concept? Does Flint have a good self-esteem? How could he build his self-concept/self-esteem?

15 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a description of the needs that motivate human behavior. In 1943, Abraham Maslow proposed five different kinds of human needs, beginning with the most basic: survival. Physiological needs, such as food and shelter, are followed by needs related to safety.


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