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We ask the UN and all Nations to adopt the Universal Declaration of Rights of Mother Earth

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Presentation on theme: "We ask the UN and all Nations to adopt the Universal Declaration of Rights of Mother Earth"— Presentation transcript:

1 We ask the UN and all Nations to adopt the Universal Declaration of Rights of Mother Earth

2 Why a second Declaration at the UN
The United Nation’s programs are based on the Declaration of Human Rights. It is time to protect Nature also. We need a second declaration It is not a new concept

3 Why a second Declaration at the UN
We have..... looted, logged and killed the Earth,waters, forests, animals for medicine, souvenirs, status symbols, housing and food This is unsustainable Source:

4 Why a second Declaration at the UN
The living planet index shows a 52 % decline of Biodiversity between 1970 – Resource: Living Planet Index:

5 Why a second Declaration at the UN
Pollution kills annually - 1 million seabirds sea mammals - 40% of lakes in the USA are too polluted - Over 3 mill children Resource: statistics and photo by:

6 Image and research:

7 We must make this Paradigm Shift
Anthropocentric  Human Rights Declaration Biocentric The Universal Declaration of Rights of Mother Earth + The Human Rights Declaration

8 Transition to a biocentric economy
From using nature as a commodity for humans To preserving, caring and living in Harmony with Nature

9 Sustainable solutions
Decentralize clean energies Granted Rights to Whanganui River in New Zealand Image left:, Image right: Whanganui River by Ron Mertens

10 Our voices for Rights of Mother Earth

11 Our Goals to present 1million signatures to the UN in 2018, the 70th anniversary of the Human Rights Declaration together with the committee of UN Representatives who propose the adoption of the Declaration to the UN General Assembly. For the UN to adopt this Declaration the latest by 2023, the 75th anniversary of the Human Rights Declaration.

12 How can you participate?
Help collect 1 million signatures by signing the petition and share it at: Join our working group for the committee of UN Representatives for Rights of Mother Earth.

13 We ask the UN and all Nations to adopt the Universal Declaration of Rights of Mother Earth

14 Link to Dialoge:
Link to Dialoge: Link to Trustfund:

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