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Session 2: OSS panel discussion

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1 Session 2: OSS panel discussion
panel discussion but no consensus industry players might agree ex-ante to make IPRs available royalty-free to promote development of applications (alternative Business Model) for specific projects. Open Source Software is one way to implement standards. should continue to standardize the minimum to achieve interoperability to foster innovation and competition in implementations. Open standard & open source software are different. seem to be multiple/complementary/competitive Business Models available which can and do co-exist quite successfully under a range of IPR policies. open standards = specs on paper rather than software source code or implementation software (open = standards production process) (cf GSC10 definition).

2 Session 2: OSS panel discussion
panel discussion but no consensus one can observer that actors are moving from open source to closed as business model changes, e.g. Skype. in some Business models some parts may be free – some parts may be charged. It may depend on implementations. May even be a family of licenses from open to restricted depending on the application. who handles the maintenance of open source software. is there a risk of splintering away from the original ? Open question – is there be a place for ETSI here somewhere - but whether & how to incorporate OSS models? Something to be considered if the Members want to ! where is the problem ? The "ITEMS study" says FRAND and OSS are not incompatible - but there are other views. Royalty-free is just a specific sub-set of FRAND.

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