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Handling complex pricing and payments in a competitive market

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Presentation on theme: "Handling complex pricing and payments in a competitive market"— Presentation transcript:

1 Handling complex pricing and payments in a competitive market
Michele Dugger Team Lead

2 How to use the features available in WolfePak to handle complex:
Purpose How to use the features available in WolfePak to handle complex: Marketing elements Pricing elements Payments to operators

3 Pricing Types Price Contracts can be priced based on:
Daily - uses the daily price of price index Monthly – uses the monthly average of the price index End of Month or Lock in Price – ability to set the price as of a certain date or use last available price for the month being priced

4 Price Index

5 Price Type - EOM-Lock In
Lock In Prices can: -Apply to all properties or limited to certain properties -Be limited to a certain # of loads or all loads

6 Quickly Add Price Adjustments by:
Contract Property

7 How to handle pricing for:
Purchase Fees Pay or Penalize for Gravity, BS&W, or Sulfur Volume Adjustments

8 Purchase Fees: Penalties: Pricing Gravity Reject Loads BS&W
Split loads Minimum BBL Penalties: Gravity BS&W Sulfur Volume Adjustments

9 Start Using Purchase Fees

10 Purchase Fees Refused Loads- Flat amount Split Loads -2 Options:
Flat amount on the 1st Load Or- Flat amount per load after the 1st load Minimum BBL : Net Charge Or- Gross Charge

11 Operator Run Statement
Gross Value will be reduced by the Purchase Fee.

12 Scales Can Reward or Penalize for Gravity, BS&W, and Sulfur

13 Gravity and BS&W - Ticket or Contract Average

14 Operator Run Statement

15 Volume Adjustments

16 Quick Pay Set-Up

17 Quick Pay Operators

18 Revenue Statements

19 Early Pay Early Pay Groups are an alternative to the standard once a month payment. Pay on a specific date of the month or Pay on a specific day of the week Pay all tickets or specific tickets Pay Groups are associated to the Price Contract

20 Early Pay Group

21 Extract Early Pay Group

22 Post Entries

23 Questions?

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