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Presenter 2017-11-02 17:21:05 -------------------------------------------- In an ongoing…and legislatively mandated…effort to reduce testing time, MDE.

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Presentation on theme: "Presenter 2017-11-02 17:21:05 -------------------------------------------- In an ongoing…and legislatively mandated…effort to reduce testing time, MDE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presenter :21:05 In an ongoing…and legislatively mandated…effort to reduce testing time, MDE has made a few notable changes to the ELA M-STEP. M-STEP—UpdatesELA2018 Adapted from: SUZANNE HINDMAN‘s presentation at Coaching Session

2 Claim 1—Reading Claim 3—Listening
No changes for 2018 3-4 Reading Passages 14-16 items All selected response Claim 3—Listening No changes for 2018 2-3 Listening Passages 8-9 items All selected response Presenter :21:06 There are no changes to Claims 1 and 3 for any students. The passage and item counts (and item types) are consistent with the ranges on the 2016 and 2017 M-STEP. Multiple choice Matching interaction table—grid with rows and columns (claim 4 mainly sometimes in listening) 2 part questions—must get both right to get point Multi select Reorder—5 sentences reorder to summarize passage Everything is one point No constructed response

3 Claim 2—Writing No Performance Task (formerly in grades 5 and 8)
No short constructed response items (formerly in grades 3, 4, 6, and 7) 12-13 items Selected Response NEW Text Dependent Analysis (1 per student) Presenter :21:07 2018 bring writing back for students in ALL grades, 3-8. In 2016 and 2017, students in grades 5 and 8 had the Performance Task as part of their M-STEP. The PT has been eliminated. All Claim 2 items will be embedded in the CAT: selected response items and TDA. (more on next slide about TDA) Fewer writing items, same amount of points TDA is 4 points

4 Text Dependent Analysis (Claim 2—Writing)
NEW Text Dependent Analysis (“TDA”) TDA Passage ▶Literary OR Informational ▶Various genres as prescribed by the standards TDA Writing Prompt 4-Point Scoring Rubric Embedded in CAT Target 4 (Compose Full Informational Texts) Presenter :21:08 Text Dependent Analysis Two basic components: the TDA passage and the TDA writing prompt. TDA Passage: Students will be presented with one passage—either literary or informational. Within the two reading categories are various genres as prescribed by the standards (e.g., short stories, poetry, biographies, content specific informational passages (social studies and science) TDA Writing Prompt: Following the TDA passage is the TDA writing prompt. The writing prompt calls for students to make a grade-level appropriate analysis of the passage. A key component to this analysis is supporting evidence (from passage). Each prompt include the reminder “Use evidence from the passage to support your response.” Also included with every prompt is a student-friendly checklist. The content of the checklist refers back to the scoring rubric. How long? Students are allowed 10,000 characters WHICH SHOULD NOT BE INTERPRETED AS A LENGTH REQUIREMENT. It is a guide to let students know how much space is remaining. TDA Rubric: 4-point rubric. The points will refer back to the students’ claim 2 scores (specifically Target 4-Compose full informational texts… “Grade 3: Write full informational texts on a topic using a complete writing process attending to purpose and audience: organize ideas by stating a focus (main idea); include text structures and appropriate transitional strategies for coherence; include elaboration and supporting evidence from sources and an appropriate conclusion.” ALL RESPONSES WILL BE INFORMATIONAL TEXT 1. Statement. Generally gives something about the passage (The author, this passage, line from the passage, etc.) (Setup) 2. Actionable statement refers back to the 1st sentence. Asking students to do something. (Action) 3. Use evidence from the passage to support your essay. (Evidence) Scored by Measured Incorporated (3rd party) Hired to score, minimum education requirement and lots of training, anyone can apply CAT 6-8 independent items (no reading passage) to set baseline, then TDA, and then CAT keeps rolling through the claims until they have responded to the range of items for each claim and range of items ELA as a whole. Online-they have the ability to pause at any time. Teacher can decide how many breaks to take.

5 Directions: Read the grade level prompt
Draft or outline a response using the checklist Then we will talk at tables


7 Claim 4—Research No Performance Task (formerly in grades 5 and 8)
No constructed response items No changes for grades 3, 4, 6, and 7 8-9 items All selected response Embedded in CAT Presenter :21:09 As mentioned before…there is no longer a Performance Task for any students (formerly just 5 and 8). Because there is no longer a Performance Task, there a no constructed response items aligned to Claim 4—research. All claim 4 items are embedded in the CAT. The ONLY students experiencing a Claim 4 change are students in 5 and 8…everyone else claim 4 (and 1 and 3) are the same. The blueprints for all grades will be very similar to the 2016, 2017 blueprints of grades 3, 4, 6, and 7 (with the notable exception of the addition of the TDA). The online same sets will be posted this week…some grades as soon as this evening. An come in anywhere Multiple Choice Multi select Matching Interaction tables All points coming straight from CAT

8 Assessment Committees
“Assessment Committee Participation Application”

9 ELA Assessment Specialist
Suzanne Hindman ELA Assessment Specialist Office of Educational Assessment and Accountability Michigan Department of Education

10 Let’s look at some grade banded Text-Dependent Analysis Prompts


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