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DMPonline and data management plans

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Presentation on theme: "DMPonline and data management plans"— Presentation transcript:

1 DMPonline and data management plans
Rosie Higman, Research Data Librarian 5th October 2018

2 My Research Essentials
Planning Acquisition Processing Analysis Publishing Recording Research Data Management services My Research Essentials

3 Why are Data Management Plans important?
Creates a ‘roadmap’ for the duration of the project Helps you meet funder requirements Helps with future data re-use

4 Why use DMPonline? Easy editing and collaboration Tailored guidance for Manchester researchers GDPR asset register

5 Manchester Data Management Outline
Internal questions Inform service provision Manage risk (GDPR!) Tick-box or short answer Themes: What data is being created or used Storage Retention Levels of data sensitivity Handling of sensitive data Data custodian

6 Data management outline checks
Data management planning process Data management outline checks Researcher writes DMP

7 Data management planning process
Research IT Information Governance Feedback Data management outline checks Researcher writes DMP

8 Data management planning process
Research IT Information Governance Feedback Data management outline checks Researcher writes DMP Feedback Full data management plan review

9 Data management planning process
Research IT Information Governance Feedback Data management outline checks Researcher writes DMP Ethics Feedback Full data management plan review

10 Top tips for using DMPonline

11 Top tips for using DMPonline

12 What do you need to do? Create a Data Management Plan for at the beginning of every project in DMPonline Update the plan at least once per year during the project Include your plan in your UREC application and send to Faculty Research Governance team for NHS applications @UoMRDMService

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