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CPCTC uses congruent triangles to prove corresponding parts congruent.

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1 CPCTC uses congruent triangles to prove corresponding parts congruent.
SSS, SAS, ASA, AAS, and HL use corresponding parts to prove triangles congruent. CPCTC uses congruent triangles to prove corresponding parts congruent. Prove the triangles are congruent FIRST: use CPCTC LAST. Remember!

2 Example 1 Given: YW bisects XZ, XY  YZ. Prove: XYW  ZYW ZW Z

3 Reflexive Property of 
Example 2 Prove: PQ  PS Given: PR bisects QPS and QRS. PR bisects QPS PR bisects QRS Given Def. of  bisector RP  RP Reflexive Property of  ∆PQR  ∆PSR PQ  PS ASA CPCTC Given QPR  SPR QRP  SRP Def. of  bisector

4 Example 3 Given: A(2, 3), B(5, -1), C(1, 0)
D(-4, -1), E(0, 2), F(-1, -2) Prove: A  D Statements Reasons 1. A(2, 3), B(5, -1), C(1, 0) D(-4, -1), E(0, 2), F(-1, -2) 1. 2. AB = DE = BC = EF = AC = DF = 2. 3. 3. Definition of Congruence 4. 5.

5 Your Turn! Workbook pg 171 #2

6 4 – 5, 4 – 6, 4 – 7 Assignment from Textbook
pg254 #7, 13 Pg264 – 265 #6, 13 pg 270 – 271 #3, 8 (Honors also do #12) Use the template to fill in all problems except pg 270 #12 as flowchart proofs Honors: do pg270 #12 as a two-column proof on a separate piece of paper. Must write down the whole proof, not just the missing blanks, to get full credit.

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