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Critical Thinking Hidden words – you’ll have three minutes today to determine the answer. You’ll need to write down your answer. There are 11 possible.

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Presentation on theme: "Critical Thinking Hidden words – you’ll have three minutes today to determine the answer. You’ll need to write down your answer. There are 11 possible."— Presentation transcript:

1 Critical Thinking Hidden words – you’ll have three minutes today to determine the answer. You’ll need to write down your answer. There are 11 possible answers; however, I’ll give you one answer, so you are responsible for finding 10. If you get 6 correct, I’ll give a point. Two points for 8 correct and three points for getting all 10. No cheating!

2 Hidden colors – can you find all 11.
Identify as many colors as you can by putting parenthesis around the colors within the sentence – I’ll do the first one for you. For example, in the last line of the passage, the word “violet” is hidden within the last three words, so I would write it down as: - our ultra(violet) torch Many injured animals are invited to live at the 'Toronto Range'. Stop in kangaroo corner and marvel at the lovely creatures within. Dig over the potato patch to find small furry caterpillars, but don't yell! Owls can be found swooping for edible rodents, earwigs or perhaps bluebottles in the undergrowth. The brown bear, Rob, lacks grace and may look like an ogre, enter at your own risk! Peacocks can be found showing their colourful wares, which look fantastic when viewed with our ultraviolet torch.

3 The Answers Many inju(red) animals are invited t(o live) at the 'Toront(o Range)'. Sto(p in k)angaroo corner and marvel at the lovely creatures with(in. Dig o)ver the potato patch to find small furry caterpillars, but don't (yell! Ow)ls can be found swooping fo(r ed)ible rodents, earwigs or perhaps (blue)bottles in the undergrowth. The (brown) bear, Ro(b, lack)s grace and may look like an o(gre, en)ter at your own risk! Peacocks can be found showing their colourful wares, which look fantastic when viewed with our ultra(violet) torch.

4 Goals for the Day I can construct an argumentative essay by developing a clear claim and supporting it with at least three pieces of evidence. I can utilize close reading strategies to determine the meaning of a text.

5 Clear off your desk You will have exactly 30 minutes to read the two passages and complete the 24 questions that follow. If you run out of time, remember it is better to guess than to run out of time and leave items blank. Don’t spend too much time on any one question. If you find yourself struggling with a question, skip it and come back to it later. Be sure you have time to answer questions you know you can answer correctly. You might also consider skimming the passage to determine which one may be easier to read. You’re more likely to get questions correct when you understand the text. After the 30 minutes is up, you will have 40 minutes to write an argumentative essay. You will all begin at the same time, so if you finish the multiple choice portion early, please wait patiently.

6 No homework!

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