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Therapeutic Exercise I Chapter 5

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1 Therapeutic Exercise I Chapter 5
Peripheral Joint Mobilization

2 What is Joint Mobilization? (manipulation)
Joint mobilizations are to be done by the supervising PT and PTA, but PTA’s can perform only grades I & II It is a passive traction and or gliding movement applied to joint surfaces that maintain or restore the joint play normally allowed by the capsule, so the normal roll-slide joint mechanics can occur as a person moves. The speed and amplitude which applied may vary.

3 Examples of Mobilization!!!!!

4 Definitions Joint Mobilization/Manipulation Self Mobilization
Mobilization with Movement (MWM) Physiological Movements (osteokinematic) Accessory Movements (arthokinematic) Thrust – high velocity, short amplitude Manipulation Under Anesthesia (MUA) Muscle Energy

5 What Can Alter Joint Mechanics?
Pain Muscle guarding Joint effusion Contractures/adhesions of the joint capsules or supporting structures Malalignment/subluxation of the bony surface

6 ---Types of Motion----
Swing Rolling/sliding/spinning Slide/Translation Combined Roll-Slide in a joint Spin

7 Indications for Joint Mobilization
Pain, muscle guarding, and spasm Reversible joint hypomobility Positional faults/subluxations Progressive limitations Functions Immobility Mobilizations cannot change a disease process/inflammation process, but it can minimize pain, maintain joint play, and reduce mechanical limitations

8 Contraindications Hypermobility Joint Effusion Inflammation

9 Grade or Dosage of Movement
Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade V

10 Peripheral Joint Mobilization Techniques - see handout
Closed Pack Position Open Pack Position Capsular Pattern of Restriction

11 Example of Grade I and V Shoulder (posterior/inferior/anterior glide) Oscillations Ankle (talocrural Joint) Thrust

12 Things To Remember: Mobilization assist in minimizing pain, maintain joint play, and reduce mechanical limitations Mobilization is to be done by the PT and PTA, but PTA’s can ONLY perform grades I & II

13 Break for Lab with Lecture on UE Stretching Techniques in Anatomical Planes of Motion
LAB ON JOINT MOBILIZATION…..To be reviewed and practiced in week #2 (If time permits may review LE’s)

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