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A Brief Tutorial to make you a pro

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1 A Brief Tutorial to make you a pro
Using WEAVE online A Brief Tutorial to make you a pro

2 Two important things before we begin
ALWAYS click I If this is not done you could lose all of your hard work! & Always make sure to indicate whether your submissions are “Final” or “Draft/In Progress”. This indication is called “Entry Status”

3 Abbreviation The abbreviation for everyone is “Shepherd”.

4 Step 1: Logging In Log in using your given username and password.
Click “Login”

5 Step 2: Selecting a Department
Click on the drop down arrow to select your department. The screen will shift automatically to the selected department. Just wait a second…

6 Step 3: Choosing an Area to work in
Put your arrow on the assessment tab and a drop down will appear. Select the area in which you want to add information

7 Step 4: Adding a Mission Click or an to start typing in the Mission box Once mission is added, add any other relevant information as prompted in the boxes Select your entry status When finished scroll down to the bottom and click

8 Step 5: Adding a Goal Click the add button and write in goals. Click
To edit goals expand the selected goal and click Select your entry status Type edited goal in the text box and click

9 Step 6: Adding an outcome/Objective
Add your ISO by clicking Write all relevant information in the text boxes and click If a goal needs to be edited click on the goal to expand and click Make sure to indicate your entry status

10 Step 7: Adding a Measure Click
Choose the area that applies. For example, if one of your measurements involves a capstone project then select “Capstone Assign.” Once selected type the measure and scroll down and click on the ISO that goes with the measure Indicate your entry status

11 Step 8: Adding a Target Expand the selected measure and click
Indicate your entry status Write target in the provided text box and click

12 Step 9: Adding a Finding Once your assessment cycle is over, go to the measurement tab and expand. Click Write findings in the designated text box Indicate whether the target was met/not met/not reported at the bottom Indicate your entry status PLEASE - NEVER ENTER STUDENT NAMES – ONLY USE NUMERICAL IDENTIFIERS OR PROVIDE AGGREGATES

13 Step 10: Action plan Under the measure tab click
Add all relevant information in the indicated boxes Indicate entry status Click

14 Step 11: Uploading Documents
Here you will upload all documents such as rubrics, questionnaires, etc. Under the assessment tab click Document Management Click Click and upload the desired documents from your files Insert all relevant information in the text boxes

15 Almost there! Just one more step

16 Generating a report By Generating a report you can have a hard copy of a comprehensive assessment cycle for your department’s personal records. Go to the top of the page and click on the report tab.

17 Generating a Report: Step 1
Click on “Detailed Assessment Report” Make sure “All entities to which I have access” is selected Click

18 Generating a Report: Step 2
Scroll down and click all areas wanted in your report Go all the way to the bottom and click the Go back to the top and click

19 Congratulations! You are now a WEAVE Pro!

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