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In this chapter, you will learn the following:

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1 In this chapter, you will learn the following:
Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS In this chapter, you will learn the following: Invoking the Part Modeling Environment Invoking the Sketching Environment Working with Selection of Planes Specifying Units Specifying Grids and Snaps Settings Drawing a Line Entity Drawing an Arc by using the Line tool Drawing a Centerline Drawing a Midpoint Line Drawing a Rectangle Drawing a Circle Drawing an Arc Drawing a Polygon Drawing a Slot Drawing an Ellipse Drawing an Elliptical Arc Drawing a Parabola Drawing Conic Curves Drawing a Spline Editing a Spline

2 Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
SOLIDWORKS is a feature-based, parametric, solid modeling mechanical design and automation software. Before you start creating solid 3D components in SOLIDWORKS, you need to understand it. To design a component in this software, you need to create all its features one by one.

3 Invoking the Part Modeling Environment
Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS Invoking the Part Modeling Environment Start SOLIDWORKS by double-clicking on the SOLIDWORKS 2017 icon on your desktop. After loading all required files, the initial screen of SOLIDWORKS appears.

4 Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
Once the initial screen of SOLIDWORKS has been invoked, click on the New tool in the Standard toolbar or click on the New Document tool in the SOLIDWORKS Resources Task Pane. The New SOLIDWORKS Document dialog box appears.

5 Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
Click on the Part button in the New SOLIDWORKS Document dialog box and then click on the OK button. The initial screen of the Part modeling environment of SOLIDWORKS appears.

6 Invoking the Sketching Environment
Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS Invoking the Sketching Environment To invoke the Sketching environment, click on the Sketch tab in the CommandManager. The tools of the Sketch CommandManager appear.

7 Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
Click on the Sketch tool in the Sketch CommandManager to invoke the Sketching environment. The three default planes: Front, Top, and Right, which are mutually perpendicular to each other appear in the graphics area.

8 Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
To select a plane, move the cursor over the plane to be selected. Next, click the left mouse button when the boundary of the plane highlights in the graphics area. As soon as you select a plane, the Sketching environment gets invoked with a Confirmation corner at the top right corner in the graphics area. Also, the selected plane becomes the sketching plane for drawing the sketch and it is oriented normal to the viewing direction, so that you can create the sketch easily.

9 Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
The Sketching environment also displays a red color point with two perpendicular arrows in the center of the graphics area. The red color point represents the origin (0,0) of the Sketching environment and the perpendicular arrows represent the X axis and Y axis of the sketching plane. If the red color point does not appear by default in the graphics area, turn on its appearance.

10 Working with Selection of Planes
Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS Working with Selection of Planes As discussed earlier, the Sketching environment can be invoked by selecting a plane as the sketching plane. Selection of correct plane is very important to define the right orientation of the model.

11 Specifying Units Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
To modify the default unit settings, click on the Options tool in the Standard toolbar. The System Options dialog box appears.

12 Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
The System Options dialog box contains two tabs: System Options and Document Properties. By default, the System Options tab is activated in the dialog box. Click on the Document Properties tab of the dialog box. Next, Click on the Units options on the left panel in the dialog box.

13 Specifying Grids and Snaps Settings
Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS Specifying Grids and Snaps Settings Grids help you specify points in the drawing area for creating sketch entities and act as reference lines. To turn on the display of grids and specifying snap settings, click on the Options tool in the Standard toolbar, which is available next to the SOLIDWORKS logo in the upper left corner. The System Options - General dialog box appears. Click on the Document Properties tab in the dialog box and then click on the Grid/Snap option.

14 Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS

15 Drawing a Line Entity Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
A line is defined as the shortest distance between two points. To draw a line, click on the Line tool in the Sketch CommandManager. The Insert Line PropertyManager appears on the left of the drawing area. You can click in the drawing area to specify a start point and then an endpoint for drawing a line.

16 Example 1 Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
Draw the sketch of the model as shown in the figure given below. The dimensions and the model shown in the figure are for your reference only. To create this example, follow the steps given in the textbook.

17 Hands-on Test Drive 1 Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
Draw a sketch of the model as shown in figure given below. The dimensions and model shown in the figure are for your reference only.

18 Drawing an Arc by using the Line tool
Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS Drawing an Arc by using the Line tool In addition to drawing arcs by using arc tools, you can also draw a tangent arc by using the Line tool. The creation of arc depends on how you move the cursor from the last specified point in the drawing area.

19 Example 2 Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
Draw a sketch of the model as shown in the figure given below by using the Line tool. The dimensions and model shown in this figure are for your reference only. To create this example, follow the steps given in the textbook.

20 Hands-on Test Drive 2 Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
Draw a sketch of the model as shown in the figure given below. The dimensions and the model shown in the figure are for your reference only. Draw all entities of the sketch by using the Line tool. As all the dimensions of the sketch are multiples of 5 mm, you can set the snap setting such that the cursor snaps to the increment of 5 mm.

21 Drawing Centerline Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
Centerlines are defined as reference or construction lines, which are drawn for the aid of sketches. In SOLIDWORKS, you can draw a centerline by using the Centerline tool.

22 Drawing a Midpoint Line
Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS Drawing a Midpoint Line A midpoint line is created symmetrically about its midpoint. In SOLIDWORKS, you can draw midpoint lines by using the Midpoint Line tool in the Line flyout.

23 Drawing a Rectangle Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
In SOLIDWORKS, you can draw a rectangle by different methods using the tools in the Rectangle flyout of the Sketch CommandManager.

24 Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
Corner Rectangle The Corner Rectangle tool is used to draw a rectangle by specifying two diagonally opposite corners.

25 Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
The Add construction lines check box of the Rectangle Type rollout is used to add construction lines in a rectangle. On selecting this check box, the From Corners and From Midpoints radio buttons become available. From Corners From Midpoints

26 Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
Center Rectangle The Center Rectangle tool is used to draw a rectangle by specifying a center point and a corner point.

27 Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
3 Point Corner Rectangle The 3 Point Corner Rectangle tool is used to draw a rectangle by specifying 3 corners. The first two corners, define the width and orientation of the rectangle and the third corner defines the length of the rectangle.

28 Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
3 Point Center Rectangle The 3 Point Center Rectangle tool is used to draw a rectangle at an angle by specifying three points. The first point defines the center of the rectangle; the second point defines the width and orientation of the rectangle; and the third point defines the length of the rectangle.

29 Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
Parallelogram The Parallelogram tool is used to draw a parallelogram, whose sides are not perpendicular to each other. You can draw a parallelogram by specifying three corners.

30 Drawing a Circle Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
In SOLIDWORKS, you can draw a circle by using the Circle and Perimeter Circle tools available in the Circle flyout of the Sketch CommandManager.

31 Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
Circle The Circle tool is used to draw a circle by specifying the center point and a point on the circumference of a circle.

32 Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
Perimeter Circle The Perimeter Circle tool is used to draw a circle by specifying three points on the circumference of circle.

33 Drawing an Arc Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
In SOLIDWORKS, you can draw an arc by different methods using the tools in the Arc flyout of the Sketch CommandManager.

34 Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
Centerpoint Arc The Centerpoint Arc tool is used to draw an arc by defining the center point, start point, and endpoint.

35 Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
3 Point Arc The 3 Point Arc tool is used to draw an arc by defining three points on the arc length.

36 Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
Tangent Arc The Tangent Arc tool is used to draw an arc tangent to an existing entity. The tangency of arc depends upon how you move the cursor from the specified point in the drawing area.

37 Drawing a Polygon Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
In SOLIDWORKS, you can draw a polygon of sides ranging from 3 to 40. A polygon is a multi-sided geometry having all sides of equal length and equal angle. To draw a polygon, click on the Polygon tool in the Sketch CommandManager. The Polygon PropertyManager appears.

38 Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
Inscribed circle Circumscribed circle

39 Drawing a Slot Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
In SOLIDWORKS, you can draw straight and arc slots by using the tools in the Slot flyout.

40 Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
Straight Slot Centerpoint Straight Slot

41 Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
3 Point Arc Slot Centerpoint Arc Slot

42 Drawing an Ellipse Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
An ellipse is drawn by defining its major axis and minor axis. You can draw an ellipse by using the Ellipse tool in the Sketch CommandManager.

43 Drawing an Elliptical Arc
Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS Drawing an Elliptical Arc You can draw an elliptical arc by using the Partial Ellipse tool in the Ellipse flyout.

44 Drawing a Parabola Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
A Parabola is a symmetrical plane curve formed by the intersection of a cone and a plane parallel to its side. You can draw a parabola by defining its focus point, apex point, and two points (start point and end point) on the parabolic curve.

45 Drawing Conic Curve Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
SOLIDWORKS allows you to draw conic curves by specifying the start point, end point, top vertex, and Rho value. NOTE: The Rho value of the conic curve defines the type of curve. If the Rho value is less than 0.5 then the conic curve will be an ellipse; if the Rho value is equal to 0.5 then the conic curve will be a parabola; if the Rho value is greater than 0.5 then the conic curve will be a hyperbola.

46 Drawing Splines Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS Spline
A Spline is defined as a curve having a high degree of smoothness and is used to create free form features. You can draw a spline by specifying two or more than two control points in the drawing area. In SOLIDWORKS, you can also draw a spline by defining mathematical equations. Spline The Spline tool is used to create a spline by defining two or more than two control points in the drawing area.

47 Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
Equation Driven Curve The Equation Driven Curve tool is used to create an equation driven spline. click on the Equation Driven Curve tool in the Spline flyout. The Equation Driven Curve PropertyManager appears.

48 Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
Explicit The Explicit radio button is selected by default. As a result, you can define an equation for calculating ‘Y’ values of spline control points as the function of ‘X’ in the Parameters rollout of the PropertyManager. For Example: Yx = 2* sin(x)^12 X1 = 0 X2 = 38

49 Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
Parametric The Parametric radio button is used to define two equations. First one is used for calculating ‘X’ values and the other one is used for calculating ‘Y’ values of control points as the function of ‘t’ in the Parameters rollout of the PropertyManager. For Example: Xt = (t + sin(t)^2) Yt = 2* sin(t) t1 = 0 t2 = 38

50 Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
Style Spline The Style Spline tool is used to create bezier splines of 3 degrees, 5 degrees, and 7 degrees by defining control points in the drawing area.

51 Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
Fit Spline The Fit Spline tool is used to convert multiple sketch entities into a single spline curve. To convert sketch entities into a spline, click on the Tools > Spline Tools > Fit Spline in the SOLIDWORKS menus. The Fit Spline PropertyManager appears.

52 Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS

53 Editing a Spline Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
Editing a spline is important in order to achieve the complex shape and maintain a high degree of smoothness and curvature. You can edit a spline by using its control points and spline handle. Components of spline handle

54 Tutorial 1 Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
Draw the sketch of the model given below. The dimensions and model shown in the figure are for your reference only. Draw all the entities of the sketch by using the Line tool. All the dimensions are in mm. To create this tutorial, follow the steps given in the textbook.

55 Tutorial 2 Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
Draw the sketch as shown in the figure. Dimensions and model shown in the figure are for your reference. As all the dimensions are multiple of 5, you can set snap setting such that cursor snap to an incremental of 5 mm. To create this tutorial, follow the steps given in the textbook.

56 Hands-on Test Drive 3 Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
Draw the sketch of the model shown in the figure given below. The dimensions and model shown in the figure are for your reference only. All dimensions are in mm. To create this Hand-on Test Drive, follow the steps given in the textbook.

57 Hands-on Test Drive 4 Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
Draw the sketch of the model shown in the figure given below. The dimensions and model shown in the figure are for your reference only. All dimensions are in mm To create this Hand-on Test Drive, follow the steps given in the textbook.

58 Summary Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
In this chapter, you have learned that the Sketching environment can be invoked within the Part modeling environment. To invoke the Sketching environment, you need to select a plane as the sketching plane. Once the Sketching environment has been invoked, you can specify the unit system as per your requirement by using the Document Properties - Units dialog box as well as specify the grids and snaps settings. You have also learned about drawing sketches by using different sketching tools such as Line, Arc, Circle, Rectangle, and Spline.

59 Questions Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with SOLIDWORKS
Features are divided into two main categories: ________ and ________ . The ________ feature of any real world component is a sketch based feature. A polygon has number of sides ranging from ________ to ________. To draw an ellipse, you need to define its ________ axis and ________ axis. If the Rho value of a conic curve is less than 0.5 then the conic is an ______. A parabola is a symmetrical plane curve which is formed by the intersection of a cone with a plane parallel to its side (True/False). You cannot draw a tangent arc by using the Line tool (True/False). A fillet feature is known as placed feature (True/False).

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