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500 CE – 1500 CE.

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Presentation on theme: "500 CE – 1500 CE."— Presentation transcript:

1 500 CE – 1500 CE

2 Warm-up: Based on the picture, what do you think the Middle Ages was like?

3 Middle Ages- Comes from the term Medieval, which is Latin for middle and age
Describes a time period in Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire and before the Renaissance (500 CE CE)

4 Fall of the Western Roman Empire
After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, small groups and tribes battled for control of Europe

5 Dark Ages The Middle Ages are also known as the Dark Ages
This is a period of time of intellectual and economic regression that occurred after the fall of the Western Roman Empire People did not make many scientific discoveries, there was little education, and there wasn’t much money for average people

6 Small Villages During this time, most people lived in small villages throughout Europe These villages were usually connected by trails People stayed close to home and very rarely traveled to far-away places

7 Living History: Living in Medieval Europe
eFY Answer questions 1-8 using your Interactive Notes

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