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PERCEPTION & It’s Pitfalls!

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Presentation on theme: "PERCEPTION & It’s Pitfalls!"— Presentation transcript:

1 PERCEPTION & It’s Pitfalls!
Session 10 PERCEPTION & It’s Pitfalls!

2 WHAT IS PERCEPTION? Half empty…! Half full…! Glass changed…!
It’s half anyway…! It’s full anyway…!

3 WHAT IS PERCEPTION? Lets watch few videos…!

4 That's why its popular that... “BEAUTY LIES IN THE EYES OF BEHOLDER”
WHAT IS PERCEPTION? A process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give/derive meaning to/from their environment. People’s behavior is based on their perception of what reality is and Not on reality itself. The world as it is perceived is the world that becomes behaviorally important. That's why its popular that... “BEAUTY LIES IN THE EYES OF BEHOLDER”

Selective Perception Selectively interpreting what we see On the basis of our interests, background, experience, and attitudes Halo Effect Drawing a general impression about an individual On the basis of a single characteristic Contrast Effects Evaluation of a person’s characteristics affected by comparisons with others Ranking higher or lower Stereotyping Judging a person by the group one belongs to Often useful, but may not always be true

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