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WCRP and S2S NOAA, MD, 14 Feb M. Rixen, JPS

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1 WCRP and S2S NOAA, MD, 14 Feb M. Rixen, JPS

2 (WCRP Strategic Framework 2005-2015).
Mission & Objectives World Climate Research Programme supports climate-related decision making and adaptation planning by coordinating research required to improve climate predictions and understanding of human influence on climate “for use in an increasing range of practical applications of direct relevance, benefit and value to society” (WCRP Strategic Framework ).

3 Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS)


5 S2S Vision: seamless weather-climate services
Mission: improve forecast skill at intraseasonal range Strategy: International research collaboration Common infrastructure and information sharing

6 Priorities Need to build up the momentum generated by the conference and engage community 5 sub-projects: objectives, timetable, expected outputs, organization and coordination Systematic errors seems to be a major stumbling block to improve S2S predictions significantly: low hanging fruits? Maritime Continent? Atmospheric model? Coupling? Running and archiving models will not be enough: need dedicated efforts on analyzing problems and diagnosing causes: this goes beyond T or P metrics Limit of deterministic models & (statistical) MM approaches: are we exploring this enough?

7 Field experiment/YMC Need to analyze pros/cons:
What can be exploited from existing databases? Galvanizing community around a focused and exciting challenge Priorities: area? processes? Critical mass of observations? Return on investment? Alternatives? Informal discussions with ONR seem positive

8 Funding: Future Earth, GFCS, etc
Summer school Synergies with WGSIP? Focus on LDCs/Africa? Funding: Future Earth, GFCS, etc

9 Thank you for your attention!

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