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Fourth lecture in the series ‘Global Values in a Changing World- Synergy of State and Society in a Globalized World’ Lecture and Discussion: Social responsibility.

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Presentation on theme: "Fourth lecture in the series ‘Global Values in a Changing World- Synergy of State and Society in a Globalized World’ Lecture and Discussion: Social responsibility."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fourth lecture in the series ‘Global Values in a Changing World- Synergy of State and Society in a Globalized World’ Lecture and Discussion: Social responsibility in a context of change: From corporate and organizational to networks, markets and territories Monday 17 January 2011 Patricia Almeida Ashley Prince Claus Chair in Development and Equity – 2009/2011 International Institute of Social Studies - Erasmus University Rotterdam

2 Topics A perspective from a social responsibility researcher in civic driven action in Brazil: the case of São Joao del Rey – Ecocidades Project (Proext Mec/Cidades – 2007/2009) From academia to government, business and civil society agents Some next steps in social responsibility movement: from corporate and organizational to networks, markets and territories

3 The Case of São João del Rey Ecocidades Project

4 São João del Rey, Minas Gerais, Brasil (founded in 1709; pop. 85000)


6 Important: During the Winter
Lenheiro River

7 Lenheiro river in the Summer

8 Córrego do Lenheiro after each “Summer Rain”

9 Córrego do Lenheiro – Upstream the center of São João del Rey
Fonte: Foto da Semana, Jornal Gazeta de São João Del-Rei, 2008

10 Residencial Lenheiros – upstream the Lenheiro river

11 So what can we do as members of an university???
Proext Mec/Cidades – government funding for extension/research projects related to urban development – reais in 2007 ( euros)



14 The question is connecting CSR, culture, politics and local development and equity issues
Social responsibility studies, tools, knowledge was not part of the local culture, public policies, business practices, educational policies Events, courses, opinion papers, radio inverviews, tv programmes, research papers of a research group were only supported by engaged civil society groups (some), labour unions (some), some business leaders (two), councillors (two of ten), some schools (three) Not understood by political leaders in the city hall Not accepted as a transversal concept in curriculum in the university (internal struggle in the department)

15 Some next steps in social responsibility movement

16 Global Agenda: Several CSR Tools, but mainly...
The United Nations Global Compact The United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) The United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) AA1000 guidelines for stakeholder engagement in management

17 Current state of the art of social responsibility
ISO standard guidance as a meta language for integrating social responsibility tools A five year process engaging national standards bodies, multi-stakeholder national committees and mirror committees from more than 90 countries A global consensus on current core themes, principles and issues of social responsibility, which includes legal compliance and voluntary actions It considers relational governance of stakeholders (not only shareholders) It is not only a matter of ‘business’ but ‘organizational’ social responsibility (private, public and non-profit organizations)

18 Organizational Principles and Themes of Social Responsibility - ISO 26000
Values Accountability Transparency Ethical behaviour Respect for stakeholders’ interests Respect for the rule of law Respect for international norms of behaviour Respect for human rights Governance Human Rights Labour Practices The Environment Fair Operating Practices Consumer Issues Community Involvement and Development

19 Possibles Bridging Documents
Principles e.g. UN Global Compact Issues e.g. OECD guidelines Results e.g. GRI Stakeholder Governance e.g. AA 1000 ISO 26000

20 Next Steps: Multi-actor social responsibilities
Not only corporate and organizational social responsibility Networks of Values on social responsibility Networks in Markets: the ethics of care as expression of market value and, thus, risk management considering social, environmental and economic risks of projects, organizations and products Network in Territories as scopes for multi-actor and multilevel governance of stakeholders´social responsibilities

21 Multilevel Ethical Challenges on Values of Social Responsibility
Legal Compliance International Law and Regulation Country, Provincial and Municipal Law and Regulation Sectoral and Organizational Law and Regulation Social Expectations International Standards and Practices Country, Provincial and Municipal Standards and Practices Sectoral and Organizational Standards and Practices Ethical Ideals International Codes of Principles and Ethics Country, Provincial and Municipal Codes of Principles and Ethics Sectoral and Organizational Codes of Principles and Ethics Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

22 Multi-actor social responsibility in a territorial scope
Sectoral and Organizational Municipal Provincial National International UN framework for Human Rights Remedy Respect Protect State and Government Science and Knowledges Media Capital Investment Finance Trade Union Business Association Enterprise Not for Profit and Community-Based

23 Network of social responsibility

24 Final Remarks: Agenda for Research and Policies
Linking multi-actor and multilevel social responsibility to development and equity goals

25 Governance Development Phases for Multiactor and Multilevel Social Responsibility in a Territorial Scope Phase 1: Political Commitment for Values/Policies Alignment Phase 2: Values/Policies Alignment Assessment Phase 3: Values/Policies Alignment Renovation Phase 4: Values/Policies Alignment Innovation

26 Linking Multiactor and Multilevel Social Responsibility Policies for Development and Equity Outcomes in Territories UN Millenium Development Goals + UN Report on Human Development Outcomes in Territorial Indicators of Development

27 Thank you so much! Contacts: or
Ecocidades: ISS:

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