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Lecturer: Roxanne C. Bloomfield

2 Principal Communication Media
UNIT II Principal Communication Media

3 Principal Communication Media
These are the channels or ways through which a message is sent to a receiver. A sender may use four (4) main ways to get his message across. 1. Written 2. Oral 3. Visual 4. Computerized Telecommunications

4 VISUAL COMMUNICATION This is any communication through the use of visual aids. it is also the conveyance of ideas and information in forms that can be read or looked upon. Visual communication in part or whole relies on vision, and is primarily presented or expressed with two dimensional images, colour and electronic resources. 

Non Verbal Communication (expression, gestures, posture) Diagram Chart Table Graph Photograph Film Slide Video Tape

6 ADVANTAGES OF V.C. Reinforces oral communication
provides additional visual stimulus simplifies written or spoken word quantifies – provides ideas in number form

7 ADVANTAGES OF V.C. provides simulations of situations
illustrates techniques and procedures provides visual record. Enhances communication with people who speak English as a second language.

8 DISADVANTAGES OF V.C. May be difficult to interpret without reinforcing written or spoken word requires additional skills of comprehension and interpretation can be costly and expensive in time to produce

9 DISADVANTAGES OF V.C. may be costly to disseminate or distribute
storage may be more expensive does not always allow time for evaluation.

10 Guidelines for using Visual Communication
Choose visuals that truly support your speech Appeal to as many senses as possible. Don’t use too many visuals. Make visual aids simple and clear.

11 Guidelines for using Visual Communications
Aim for back- row comprehension. Never circulate visual aids among the audience. Explain your visual aids. Choose the best time to show visuals. Don’t let visuals distract from your message.

This term refers to any transmission, emission, or reception of signs, signals, writings, images and sounds or intelligence of any nature by wire, radio, optical, computerized or other electromagnetic systems.

TYPES Local/wide area networks Fax Telex Packet Switching Teleconferencing Computer conferencing/networking

14 ADVANTAGES OF C.T. Speed of transmission: Messages reach their destination faster than any other means of communication. WAN messages, London to Sydney, Australia in 11 seconds. Versatility: Fax can transmit text, number, graphics, artwork and photographs all on one side of an A4 if need be. Tele-and computer conferencing provide interpersonal exchanges visually and via VDU screens.

15 ADVANTAGES OF C.T. Accuracy: Instantaneous message reading and checking of electronic circuits operating between sending and receiving equipment during the transmission of high-speed ‘bits’ of the message in packet switching of computer data ensure the message is accurately received in remote locations. Feedback/instantaneous exchange: Computerised telecommunications allow for a virtually simultaneous exchange of information and responses.

16 DISADVANTAGES OF C.T. Volume of transmitted data: The volume of telecommunicated information is increasing at such a rate that business personnel are unable to absorb it within relevant time limits. Costs: Telecommunicated messages have billing premiums placed upon them to pay for the enormous development and hardware investments made nationally and internationally.

17 DISADVANTAGES OF C.T. Legal implications: Words printed on paper at source still have a legal currency that a faxed message does not. Instant delivery: The almost instantaneous delivery of LAN/WAN messages etc. can cause upsets if messages are composed in anger or are ‘half-baked’ and then dispatch irretrievably.

18 SUMMARY The sheer range of communications media, their sophistication and the technology, which makes instant communicating possible, place heavy demands upon those who communicate within organisations. The nature of the communicative intent should guide the selection of the communication media.


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