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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER SUMMARIES: THE COURTROOM SCENES"— Presentation transcript:


2 To Kill a Mockingbird Chapters 16-19 CHAPTER SUMMARIES… Summary of
Chapters include some of the most important and exciting action of To Kill a Mockingbird even though the conclusion is known to most readers – and despite the fact that nothing really exciting happens. The Prosecution (Mr. Gilmer) Bob Ewell tells Heck Tate (Sheriff) to arrest Robinson Mayella found bruised and beaten Bob Ewell saw Tom Robinson in the house and heard Mayella yelling Tom Robinson ran from the scene Tom Robinson often called on by Mayella to do chores Tom Robinson once arrested for disorderly conduct Tom Robinson strong enough to choke and beat Mayella Essentially, because he is a black man, he must have committed the crime The Defense (Atticus Finch) Mayella’s bruises are on right side of face No doctor is called to examine Mayella (no proof of rape even occuring!) Mayella lives a sad, lonely life Mayella didn’t scream or fight back Tom Robinson’s left hand damaged; he couldn’t have hit Mayella Tom testifies that Mayella was the one who started kissing him Link Deas, (white employer), says Tom is a good man Tom Robinson says he feels sorry for Mayella – big mistake! Summary of Arguments

3 To Kill a Mockingbird Chapters 16-19 CHAPTER SUMMARIES… Tom Robinson
Chapters also expand on the novel’s characters… Tom Robinson Kind-hearted Honest Hardworking Trustworthy Victim of circumstances Scout, Jem, & Dill Curious In between blacks and whites Sensitive Childhood innocence Atticus Strong Morals Loses case but wins at making point Others Mayella: A Mockingbird Link Deas: Opposite of Prejudice Mr. Gilmer: Harsh Racist Bob Ewell: Sad, Angry Racist The morals emphasized in Part One are put to the test at this point in the novel, (Jem’s reaction; Atticus’ arguments; Link Deas’ testimony) Regardless of what is said, Tom Robinson doesn’t stand a chance given the racism prevalent in the courtroom.

4 To Kill a Mockingbird Chapters 16-19 EEEEEEEWWWWW… EWELLS!
The Ewell family is representative of a number of different themes… Mockingbird (Mayella) Flowers in Garden Quiet Innocence Judgement (Mayella & Bob) Forcing Tom Robinson’s Judgement Juding Blacks Racial Prejudice Comments about Black Community Use of language Black/White Divide Difference between blacks/whites (where they live) Random lifestyle Despite that the Ewells are ‘trailer trash’ and the lowest of Maycomb’s white society they are still believed – even defended by – the law, (including the Sherriff, the Prosecutor and the Judge). Emphasizes racial society Accurate portrayal of history Sympathy for Mayella? Effect that Ewells have on other characters in story

5 Innocence / “Judge Not”
To Kill a Mockingbird Chapters 16-19 UNDERSTANDING MEANING… The dialogue within the courtoom – and the characters of Maycomb County who attend – underline the themes and plot of To Kill a Mockingbird. Married black woman Mulatto children Dolphus Raymond Detest Miss Maudie’s gardens Likely protest black people “Foot-Washers” “Robert E. Lee” Ewell (History) Irony of Character (What people think of Ewell – yet he is still believed) Bob Ewell Defending his employee (going ‘against the grain’ Represents a progressive society Link Deas Reaction to testimony: Crying represents childhood innocence Dill Divide between B&W Difference of Opinion Highlighting Hatred Innocence / “Judge Not” Childhood Lessons


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