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Welcome Back! Happy 2018!.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Back! Happy 2018!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Back! Happy 2018!

2 Welcome Back! How was your vacation? Any fun stories to share?

3 Expectations - A Review
A new semester - a brief overview The Fall Semester Final My Expectations - a new start Class Website & my

4 Midterm Review

5 Goal Setting for the Spring Semester
* Handout – Setting Goals for Spring Semester. * Using the time left in class, answer each question, IN WRITING using 5 – 7 complete sentences. * Critical thinking about goal setting

6 Writing Time!

7 No Homework! Enjoy your first day back!
Be ready to start talking about POETRY next class 

8 Intro to Poetry - A Mini Unit
Poetry Out Loud

9 Poetry! What do you know about poetry?

10 Objectives Student will engage in reader response about Poetry
Students will analyze the meaning of a poem through literary devices such as rhythm, figurative language, and repetition

11 Agenda: Why is poetry important? Warm Up Reading & Discussing Poetry

12 Why is Poetry Important?
Essential Questions: Why is poetry important? What makes a “good” poem? Can a poem be “good” if you don’t like it? How do we explain the meaning of a poem?

13 Warm Up: Turn & Talk with A Partner:
Do you read poetry? Why or why not? If you DO read poetry - what kind? If you DON’T - why not? List anything you can think of that has to do with poetry.

14 What do these poems mean?
There are 4 poems in your packet Skim each poem and choose TWO. Read both poems you have selected. WRITE for 5 minutes about what you think each poem means You should write directly on the text of the poem (remember your annotation skills!) Read the poem OUT LOUD with your partner Take turns reading the poem so that EVERYONE has a chance to read DISCUSS in your group What do you think the poem means? What is the poet trying to say? Be prepared to share your ideas with the class!!

15 Share your thoughts! What does your group think the poem means?

16 Hearing The Poems Out Loud
Listen to Each Poem: Still I Rise Strange Fruit Jabberwocky The Day the Saucers Came How does hearing each poem out loud change your understanding of the poem?

17 Homework! For next class: Bring a poem to class to share!
Be ready to to explain: What the poem means Whether you like the poem (and why or why not) Why we should care about the poem The poem does NOT have to be in English, but be prepared to translate!

18 Intro to Poetry Analysis

19 Agenda: Share poems More poetry analysis
Poetry Out Loud – the specific details Homework

20 Ms. Lutz’s Favorite Poem “Instructions” by Neil Gaiman

21 Share your Poems! Turn to a Partner: Share your poem with them.
Why did you bring this poem in? Why should we care about this poem? Share as a Class

22 More Analysis Handout “February 12, 1963” by Jacqueline Woodson
Read the poem out loud Listen to the Author read the poem At this moment - what do you think the poem is about?

23 Poem Analysis Read the poem once WITHOUT making any marks
Read the poem again and look for any patterns Mark: Word/Phrase Repetition- by underlining Unknown Words - with a * Rhyming - by circling Ideas that seem to go together - use an → to connect the ideas and write and explanation in the margin How does the format of the poem add to the meaning of the poem?

24 Class Discussion Talk with a partner: What ideas did you see?
What do the patterns emphasize (stress/make more important) in the poem?

25 More Analysis - Step By Step
Look at the Poetry Analysis Big Six. With your partner, analyze “Feburary 12, 1963” again, one step at a time. Who is speaking in this poem (who is the narrator)? What is this poem about? Choose three lines from this poem. With your partner, re-write the each line in your own words. Where does the tone of the poem change? How is the poem different in the beginning, middle, and end? What tools does the poet use in this poem? What kind of figurative language or sound language does the poet use? How does the title of the poem connect to the meaning of the poem? What would you call this poem?

26 Why are we doing this? Poetry Out Loud Poetry Out Loud Poems
The Competition Example: Bilingual/Bilingue Example: Frederick Douglass POL Schedule for class Poetry performance dates Classroom winner  School competition January 29th

27 Classroom Rules for Poem Selection:
On the Poetry Out Loud Website – Find and Choose a poem Poem must be at least 12 lines long One poem per person in class. First person to Ms. Lutz gets the poem. Once you have chosen your poem, you CANNOT change. Be careful in your choice!

28 Things to Think About When Choosing a Poem
1. Do you like this poem? 2. How Long is this poem? 3. Why are you choosing this poem? 4. What is the poem saying? Do you understand this poem? 5. What does the poem say that you relate to? 6. What is the poem saying? Do you relate to this poem or will it be hard to perform the ideas in this poem? 7. Will you be able to explain, in writing, the meaning of this poem?

29 Homework! Using the Poetry Out Loud website Find a poems you like and would like to memorize/analyze Ms. Lutz with your poem selection. She will you back to confirm your selection. Once your selection has been confirmed, START MEMORIZING! Performance day comes sooner than you think 3. PRINT OUT TWO COPIES OF YOUR POEM. You MUST have the poem printed in order to do the work we will be doing next class Bring your computer or tablet to class with you for the next week

30 Poem Analysis and Practice

31 Objectives: Students will analyze a poem using figurative and sound language Students will orally perform a poem, demonstrating their understanding of the poem through speech Students will engage in discussion about the importance of poetry

32 Agenda: Review Rules for Poetry Out Loud Scoring Rubric
Classroom contest rules Performance Order & Accuracy Poem Analysis Assignment Practice/Work time

33 But First! A Quick Survey:
Please answer the questions on the handout in front of you honestly. This will be important for our unit on Siddhartha coming up next week!

34 Order Selection & Accuracy Judges
Random Order Selection for in-class performance: ½ class on Day 1, ½ class on Day 2 You may NOT change your order! Accuracy Judges – Partner Up!

35 Poetry Out Loud - Explanation of the Rules
Scoring Performances Scoring Rubric Accuracy Total Points Possible – Poetry Out Loud vs. Classroom How to perform your poem Title & Author Pronunciation Understanding the Poem

36 REcitation - Speaking Poetry
Poetry does not exist in a vacuum - how you speak the poetry changes how the audience understands the poem. You will be judged on: Physical presence (this includes your appearance!) Voice & Articulation Understanding Accuracy Overall Performance: “Forgetfulness” “Frederick Douglas” Tips for Performance

37 Poetry Analysis Assignment
Handout – “Poetry Out Loud Analysis Assignment” 1. Marking up your poem (repition, unknown words, rhyme, connections) 2. Using thePoetry Cheat Sheet/Big Six of Poem Analysis 3. Due Dates Begin memorization – Helpful hints! Practice for people Listen to recordings Write out your poem Practice, Practice, Practice

38 Work Day! You have the rest of class to work on EITHER your analysis OR your memorization. Work hard! This is your first big assignment for the semester!

39 Homework! Continue to work on your memorization and analysis assignment. I expect amazing things from you all!

40 Poem Analysis Work Day

41 Today in Class Today, you should work on the analysis OR memorization of your poem. Follow the steps for marking up the poem that we did day 1 of class - repetition, rhyming, unknown words, and making connections Then, begin answering the questions on the assignment sheet. You can also work on your memorization/recitation skills. Practice reading your poem out loud!

42 Homework! Practice your poem, and work on the analysis. You can do it! IF you are performing during our next class, make sure you are ready! Don’t forget: -Dress Well -Performance Strategies

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