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C.S.E.T. Ms. De La O English 9.

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Presentation on theme: "C.S.E.T. Ms. De La O English 9."— Presentation transcript:

1 C.S.E.T. Ms. De La O English 9

2 Ever had an unhelpful friend?
You: I just found out that the director of The Dark Knight has another film called Inception. Should I see it? Your friend: Yep. You: Well, why? What is it about? Your friend: Dreams. You:…that’s it. That wasn’t very helpful. You are a terrible friend.

3 A better response… Provides the information you’re looking for:
The recommendation An explanation of the recommendation A specific example of a good or bad part (depending on your recommendation) to back up the recommendation An explanation of how the example helps prove the recommendation/summary statement.

4 I don’t know much about Inception. What is it about? Should I see it?
Inception is a movie you need to see right now. The film is about people who can enter the minds of others to steal information. There is a crazy scene where they enter one dream that is collapsing and the hallway is spinning during a fight scene. I’ve never seen anything like that fight scene and think you might like it and the rest of the film.

5 This new and better answer is brought to you by…

6 C.S.E.T. Claim Support Evidence Tie Up

7 Claim-to say something as true
Opening sentence of your answer Topic Sentence Question: Who is the best running back of all time? Claim: Barry Sanders is the best running back of all time. It is the simple answer to the question. Must be a complete sentence. It usually provides a rephrasing of the question.

8 The Claim= the Topic Sentence
Formula for a topic sentence: Who/What + what they do+ why+ time (optional)

9 Lets Practice!! Coping is an important aspect of recovery will be shown in the following paragraphs. Mr. X has five full-grown children. Quitting smoking may improve your singing voice because there is little build up forming in the lining of one’s throat

10 Lets Practice!! This paragraph outlines the negative effects of daylight savings on your health. Steven takes vitamin C every morning. This paragraph concerns how helmets should be worn by all hockey players. Drug use in Canada is a controversial issue because of the many deaths that have been associated with it.

11 Support: explain why your claim is true!
Explains the thinking behind your answer. It must be a logical reason behind your claim. Question: Who is the best running back of all time? Claim: Barry Sanders is the best running back of all time. Support: Although he doesn’t hold any records, his stats are amazing because he had a terrible defensive line. It must be a logical reason behind your claim.

12 Evidence: this is specific information that backs-up your support.
It looks different in different subjects: English Math Science Social studies English: usually quotes from the readings Math: the work you do when solving a problem Science: measurements from a lab experiment Social studies: quotes from documents, or data from tables or surveys

13 Evidence: specific information that backs-up your support.
The more specific this information is, the harder it is to “refute your claim.” Evidence: Barry was the first running back to ever have over 1,000 yards in ten straight seasons. Emmitt Smith has 3086 more rushing yards, but Emmitt Smith played an additional five years and for much better teams.

14 Tie Up: Connect your quote back to your main claim
Explain how your quote helps make your point. Tie up: Just looking at total yards isn’t enough. When looking at all the facts together, Barry Sanders is the only choice.

15 Put it all together. Barry Sanders is the best running back of all time. Although he doesn’t hold any records, his stats are amazing because he had a terrible offensive line and retired early. Barry was the first running back to ever have over 1,000 yards in ten straight seasons. Emmitt Smith has 3086 more rushing yards, but Emmitt Smith played an additional five years and for teams who had a superior offensive line. Just looking at total yards isn’t enough. Emmitt Smith may have more yards, but, when looking at all of the facts together, Barry Sanders is the only choice.

16 We are going to try it… Please answer a CSET for the following poem:
We Real Cool by Gwendolyn Brooks

THE POOL PLAYERS. SEVEN AT THE GOLDEN SHOVEL. We real cool. We Left school. We Lurk late. We Strike straight. We Sing sin. We Thin gin. We Jazz June. We Die soon.

18 Now the CSET… Take a moment to answer the following question using a CSET. What message is Gwendolyn Brooks giving us about men like the ones in the poem?

19 A model answer… Claim: Brooks is discussing the type of men she depicts in the poem because of an experience she had at a pool hall. Support: She uses deliberately incorrect grammar and a poor outcome for the men to show her perspective of how these young men view their coolness.

20 Cont. Evidence: For example, in the first line, the men declare “We real cool”, but in the final line they state “we die soon”. Tie-Up: It is hard to argue that dying soon is a good—or cool—outcome, so it is clear that she believes that men who leave school to pursue partying are foolish.

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