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MNT Coordinator Nicola Lewis

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1 MNT Coordinator Nicola Lewis
Project Eliminate District Convention 2015 MNT Coordinator Nicola Lewis Project Eliminate

2 What is MNT? Maternal Neonatal Tetanus ELIMINATE

3 The Problem MNT killed 49,000 babies in 2013 alone
Kills mothers as well Limited immunization 10-60% fatality rate without hospital care

4 Regions that still have MNT, fundraising is occurring in some, not for all. Data as of Feb. 1

5 What is being Done? Kiwanis has partnered with UNICEF to eliminate Maternal Neonatal Tetanus Kiwanis' commitment, vision and strength in reaching communities and leaders will help wipe out this cruel, centuries-old disease and pave the way for other interventions

6 The Goal Eliminate Maternal Neonatal Tetanus
Immunize 100 million mothers This will cost $110 million Develop new delivery systems for women Save mothers and their unborn children!

7 It only costs $1.80 to protect one mother and her future children


9 Victims of MNT The poor Geographically rural, not close to hospitals
Those who are not afforded healthcare

10 How is this Fixed? Vaccination with TT vaccine
Clean and hygienic birthing rooms Umbilical cord care so newborn baby is not put at risk by contamination of cord

11 Why is this Important There is no reason women and babies need to die
MNT is easily preventable Education of these women will be able to stop the cycle of dirty birthing environments

12 What do donations do? Medicine Syringes Educate women
Train health workers


14 MNT has been eliminated in 35 countries since 2000.
3 doses of tetanus vaccine = immunity from tetanus. Woman + vaccine = protected baby. US $1.80 protects 1 mother and her future children. The Eliminate Project saves and protects millions of moms and her babies. Elimination = <1 MNT per 1,000 births.


16 How can YOU help?

17 Educate the Community! To immunize against MNT costs $1.80
Write articles/advertisements in local community papers, blogs, pamphlets Reach out to different age groups, community leaders Eliminate week is May 4-8th 2015

18 Reach Out! Ask groups to donate such as
Local day cares Mothers Sponsoring Kiwanis Ask school/community to have a baby themed day in order to raise awareness Money does not have to be donated, it could be other things to sell/educate such as pamphlets, lanyards, food, services. Ask kiwanis to help with fundraisers such as corsages or gift wrapping or

19 As of February 25, Service Leadership Program members of the Kiwanis Family have raised $3,895,501
Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF raised $456, in 2014

20 Save the Babies!

21 ? ? Questions? Comments? Concerns? Go for it!

22 Acknowledgements The CNH Key Club District would like to acknowledge the following individuals who have contributed to this presentation over the years. Kiwanis International - Eliminate website Nicola Lewis – Key Club District Eliminate Task Coordinator, 14-15

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