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Bosnian Genocide (1992-95) 200,000 deaths.

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1 Bosnian Genocide ( ) 200,000 deaths

2 Classification Serbs vs. Muslims
In 1992, the republic of Bosnia - Herzegovina merged with Yugoslavia Bosnian Serbs distinguished themselves superior to all non Serbs

3 Symbolization People were symbolized by their religious affiliation
Bosniaks were symbolized and received symbols of a crescent moon and star or cross

4 Dehumanization Non Serbs were called “Aliens” or “Others” to make it seem they did not belong The government controlled the media and would broadcast hate speech about non-Serbs Media also depicted non-Serbs as rude, mean, selfish, and evil Dispute referred to as being like “cats and dogs. They cannot live together in peace. It is impossible. “Ethnic Cleansing”

5 Organization Serbians were led by Slobodan Milosevic
Serbian military was the best armed force in the area. President of the illegitimate Bosnian Serb Republic, Radovan Karadzic Serbian military under the leadership of General Ratko Mladic

6 Polarization Long-standing tension between Serbs and Muslims inflamed with accusations that the Serb minority was being mistreated by Muslim majority Social interaction between Serbs and non Serbs was soon restricted

7 Preparation Serbs systematically rounded up local Muslims, forced repopulation of entire towns and confined men and boys to make-shift concentration camps

8 Extermination Serb snipers shot down defenseless civilians, including 3500 children Mass shootings of men and boys between the ages of 12 and 60 Mass rape of Muslim women Mortar shell attacks


10 Denial Blunt denial of involvement of soldiers or special police Buried bodies in mass graves to cover up killings National organizations accepted the genocide as the term “Ethnic Cleansing” to avoid the reference to genocide. Many graves were moved, which made it difficult to identify corpses.

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