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The Sustainable and Resilient

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1 The Sustainable and Resilient
Enterprises Platform

2 What is the Sustainable and Resilient Enterprises (SRE) Platform?
Multi-partner ‘network of networks’ to promote decent work and sustainable & resilient enterprises in fragile zones Provides adaptable and easy to use tools to support and foster resilience measures in enterprises & workers Main channel is through employer and business membership organizations (EBMOs)

3 What are the factors influencing The Sustainability and Growth of ENTERPRISES?
Climate change Unpredictable weather patterns will lead to a decrease in the welfare of either consumers, producers – or both Increased urbanization  Urbanization of cities and the overall global growth could add 2.5 billion people to urban populations by % percent of the increase is concentrated in Asia and Africa, leading to increased competition for resources. Increased migration  The rise in global migration will lead to greater diversity across all sectors and levels, requiring greater sensitivity/management of diversity within the workplace. Increased civil conflicts  Rising political tensions within states will naturally spill over into a more ethnically diverse workforce.

4 Why is the SRE platform important for the ILO?
Furthers the ILO’s role in delivering on the goals as set by the SDGs Raise awareness of ILO-Private sector networks (EBMOs) and its uniqueness with UN system (comparative advantage) Creates and strengthens partnerships and networks with the United Nations (One UN) Follows the emphasis on resilience and preparedness (in line with UN SG’s reform focus)

5 ‘Business Continuity Plan’ (BCP)
About the Tools 2 TOOLKITS - which both enable users to develop a ‘Business Continuity Plan’ (BCP) Includes: policy tools, guides, case studies, factsheets, and survey tools. Tools been tested extensively in 2017 in: Philippines (Mindanao); Myanmar; Mongolia; Pacific Islands (Fiji jointly with UNISDR) Globally with development practitioners at ILO Training Centre (Turin) ‘Business Continuity Plan’ (BCP) Disaster Resilience Guides, Case Studies, and Factsheets Conflict Resilience

6 Workers Protecting People through increased security, safety measures.
How the TOOLKITS are Structured? The 4P’s : People Workers Protecting People through increased security, safety measures. Processes Means of Production Supporting Processes through supply chain management and effective logistical planning Profits Sales / Prices Sustaining Profits through management of risks to products/services Partnerships Operating Environment Managing Partnership by identifying key stakeholders and developing ways to deal with different scenario

7 Approach to both Toolkits
Conflict Disaster Lama: I would appreciate if you could tell me further how to access the BCP training and accreditation package

8 The business continuity plan (BCP)
MAIN OBJECTIVE: TO ASSIST IN ASSESSING the VULNERABILITY of Enterprises A BCP is developed by identifying the key risks to your business and putting in place measures to minimize those risks. The three main objectives of a BCP are: Reduce risks across the 4Ps Raise awareness of the vulnerabilities and encourage planning. Explore ways to maintain business operations

9 Through Group Training
How CAN enterprises use THE SRE? Through Supply chain Initial workshop Assessment Group training Plan developed Verification Certification Through Group Training Pre- training assessment Group training through EBMO Peer support model Verification Certification Develop BCP Alone Assessment carried out Plan developed Plan management

10 Disaster TOOLKIT (DR) 4 Business Continuity tools
8 Factsheets/Checklists 1 survey tool Practical Guides on how to respond to private sector needs in a disaster situation 4 Policy tools to help with advocacy efforts 3 case studies of EBMOs 2 training tools Users guides for all tools and how to implement them

11 Conflict TOOLKIT (CR) 4 Business Continuity Tools
5 Factsheets/Checklists 7 Guides for enterprises 1 Practical Guides on how to respond to private sector needs in a conflict situation 1 survey tool (assessment needs post conflict) 7 Policy tools to help with advocacy efforts 2 case studies of EBMOs 6 training tools Users guides for all tools and how to implement them

12 The SRE APP Available for Android & Mac OS*
CR & DR self-assessment (20 minutes) Provides a quick assessment of level of vulnerability and prepares enterprise to undertake a BCP The data is collected centrally by implementing partners to identify key common issues Disaster Conflict Self Assessment Tool Promoting decent work and sustainable & resilient enterprises in conflict and disaster PRONE areas The SRE APP TPs Enterprise users download the APP onto a phone Conduct the short self-assessment (20 minutes) This provides quick assessment of level of vulnerability and prepares enterprise to undertake a BCP The data are collected centrally by implementing partners and identify key common issues This information can be used for collective advocacy action by EBMO

13 Through Group Training
How CAN enterprises use THE SRE? Develop BCP Alone Assessment carried out Plan developed Plan management Through Supply chain Initial workshop Assessment Group training Plan developed Verification Certification Through Group Training Pre- training assessment Group training through EBMO Peer support model Verification Certification Develop a BCP Key part – a PLAN for your enterprise? Use the additional tools The handouts for staff etc. – for safety/security Equality, discrimination – better management Part of Training or membership offer (e.g. accredited training) Support collective action/advocacy for business (through collected data) Leadership and promoting EBMO Brand Means to facilitate partnerships with other stakeholders (e.g. Govt, TUs/NGOs, MNEs, UN agencies, academia)

14 Key selling points Open source material
Designed for maximum scale through business networks A multi-partner tool to engage range of partners Tools are based on peer to peer and low cost modelling Specifically designed to target SMEs and the ‘hard to reach” Can facilitate partnerships with MNEs to work down their supply chains Data driven approach– the platform through the APPs collects data on ALL users Contains specific policy development components and approaches for collective action/advocacy Building Promoting Aligning Using Deploying Engaging

15 An initial grant (up to approx. $10,000) is available to:
HOW will THE ILO support embos? An initial grant (up to approx. $10,000) is available to: Adapt tools / materials for local context Brand the local network and partners Translate materials Press Launch

16 The Overall Strategic Approach
The Overall Strategic Approach Building the capacity of implementing institutions Engraini local ownership and plans for continuity into activities to ensure sustainability as a basic principle Deploying pragmatic and sustainable interventions that EBMOs can utilize in real time with immediate effect Promoting partnership approaches esp. Workers Organizations Aligning any technical efforts with global, regional and national priorities. Including: SDGs, UNDAFs, and national development plans Using the platform to promote leadership from business Building Engaging Deploying Promoting Aligning Using

17 Where to find us
Gary Rynhart Senior Specialist on Employer’s Activities ACTEMP

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