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Selecting Open Images – Project Bin or Window Menu

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1 Selecting Open Images – Project Bin or Window Menu
PSE Emphasis Section Selecting Open Images – Project Bin or Window Menu Note: you can select the image in the Project Bin below or from the Window menu item at the top. From the Project Bin: Dbl click the image or drag it to the Elements desktop. Note: You display the Project Bin by – Window/Project Bin QUICK FIX Note: you can select The image in the Project Bin below or from the Window Menu itt Binem at the top The Quick Fix mode Gives access to the basic auto & manual image Enhancement options with a before & after option

2 Special Technique to Cleanup Edging Around Your Selected Object
This is a very powerful technique to enhance or cleanup the edging around your selected object after you have completed the integration of your preferred background, by any of the techniques within this program including: Layer/new fill layer/solid color - appendix 6 Later new fill layer/gradient - appendix 8B Using backgrounds from the window/content panel - appendix 8A-3 Using your own custom background – appendix 8A-2 After you have completed the integration of your preferred background from anyone of the appendices mentioned above, 1) do an ALT-Click on the top layer Masking Square which could be: the “color fill” layer or the “color gradient” layer, etc. This shows the selection mask on your desktop image (a black-and-white silhouette). 2) Now do Filter/Blur/Gaussian Blur , 3) on the little inner window that pops up, Pan to where any edge of the silhouette is in view 4) pan the image where you see any edge of the select, 5) while watching the edges of the selection mask (silhouette), increase the blur slider around 10 pixels or more 6) Repeat the ALT-Click on the masking square of the top player to return the normal image view to your desktop 7) Set the foreground to black or white (try white first), then 8) Use the brush tool (paintbrush) set to Brush Mode to “overlay” at 100% Opacity and run the brush over the edges of the object and note the cleanup resulting from selection imperfections, 9) If some imperfections don’t get cleaned up, switch the background to black and repeat the brush process over the edges Edges such as around frizzy hair, reducing the Opacity of the brush before going over the edges could bring out the softness of hair edges Very important note: please remember to return the Brush Mode to “Normal” and the opacity to 100%

3 File Types and Saving: See reference in Main slide 23, 24, 25, 27
Cropping: Free Form without dimensional constraints or set dimensions or aspect ratio. Note dimensions in the width and height fields Movement Tool Note the handles around the bird. Object may be resized, stretched, Repositioned, and rotated. New Adjustment Layer Creates a separate Layer specific to the adjustment Type for basic edits such as Levels, B/C, Hue/Saturation, etc. Has the advantage of smaller files even with the adjustment layer.

4 OR Photo Filters: these are color correction filters
Filter Gallery: these are artistic filters Layer Types Filter types Get there from: Filter/Filter Gallery or from the Effects Palette Effects Filters OR

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