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Endorsement Instructions

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1 Endorsement Instructions
Student’s advisor must this PowerPoint file to the SRP secretary, Dr. Denis Daly, at with SRP & submission ID in the subject line. Submission ID is given to the student when the presentation file is uploaded at the submission web-site. Students do NOT send . Do NOT upload this file to the submission website.

2 Advisor’s Endorsement
I, Prof. Advisor Name, hereby give permission to Student Name to present our work at the Student Research Preview session of ISSCC He/she is the only student to whom I am giving endorsement and he/she will keep his/her student status at the time of the conference. If accepted, my student will present our work at the conference and I will support his/her travel expense to the conference, except for the registration fee which will be waived by ISSCC for the presenter. Submission ID: Date:

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