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Proportion Flattering the figure

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1 Proportion Flattering the figure

2 Proportion Refers to how lines and shapes divide the space, garment, or outfit into parts. It involves the relationship of one part or space compared to another part or space, compared to the whole garment, and to the body.

3 Proportion= ratios 1 1 Any fashion can be divided into parts and compared, which creates a ratio. Draw visual lines across the design to begin. Where there is a line, color, texture or shape change begin the first part of your ratio. The second part of the ratio is the remaining part of the outfit. 2 1 3 2 4 3 1 to 3 ratio

4 Proportion A garment is generally more interesting and pleasing if divided into uneven or unequal parts, and if the parts are in scale with the body. For example, uneven ratios of one part to three parts, two parts to three parts and three to five are traditionally considered to be more interesting and artistically pleasing than one to one or two to four which can appear boring or bulky. Uneven ratios are more similar to natural body proportions and less obvious than even ratios.

5 Natural proportion With the waist as the dividing line, the body’s ratio averages two parts above the waist and three parts below or three parts above five parts below. Garment proportions that are harmonious with the body do not reveal nor emphasize variations in body proportions that occur due to bone structure and uneven weight distribution. Clothing proportions can be manipulated using the elements of design to visually alter body proportions and created an illusion about the figure.

6 Mark the proportion 1 1 1 1 2 3

7 Proportion assignment
Choose two pictures of full length designs. Cut them out nicely and paste them to a white piece of paper Using a ruler decide what the proportion of the outfit is. Draw your box and lines on top of the design, using a pen that can be seen. Label with numbers the divisions Write on the back of the white sheet: What is the ratio? How does the proportion add interest, help the figure or detract from the figure? EXTRA CREDIT: turn in to two portfolio pages

8 Portfolio Assignment

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