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International Defence Enterprise Architecture Specification (IDEAS)

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Presentation on theme: "International Defence Enterprise Architecture Specification (IDEAS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 International Defence Enterprise Architecture Specification (IDEAS)
Casualty Management Activity Model (OV-5) Data Exchange Dave McDaniel 24th May 2007

2 IDEAS Casualty Management Data Exchange Objectives
Exchange process, organization, information, systems, and standards planning information Goal is for multi-nation Casualty Management to be more interoperable and efficient

3 IDEAS Core Model Concept
Exchanges are via a commonly-agreed IDEAS Core Model, not translations from point-to-point

4 Experiment Exchange Plan

5 Experiment Conduct Concept
SA XML Import AU Tool (e.g., EA) EE Export (ALL) UK Tool (e.g., MOOD) (Update logic) SQL Query From EA XMI RDFS DB IDEAS Data Exchange Format (RDFS) RDFS DB: Generate Parse CA Tool (e.g., Rose) <?xml version="1.0"?> <rdf:RDF xmlns:profile=" xmlns:grounding=" xmlns:dcterms=" xmlns:xsd=" xmlns:dc=" xmlns:swrl=" xmlns:owl=" xmlns:rdfs=" xmlns:rdf=" xmlns:process=" xmlns:service=" xmlns:daml=" xmlns=" xml:base=" <owl:Ontology rdf:about="MyOntology" rdf:ID="Battlefield Causlty Management"> </owl:Ontology> <owl:Class rdf:ID="Battlefield_Causlty_Management"><dc:date> </dc:date><dc:source rdf:datatype=" Futures - Causlty Management</rdfs:label></owl:Class><owl:Class rdf:ID="Warn_and_Prepare"><dc:date> </dc:date><dc:source

6 Experment Conduct Planning Detail

7 Example OV-5 in SA

8 Example OV-5 in SA: mdf file

9 Example OV-5 in SA: mdf and screen GUID’s relate

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