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Writing a Research proposal

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1 Writing a Research proposal
Part three Research Methods

2 Research methods Research onion Research approaches Research design
Research strategy How to choose time horizon Reliability and validity Population and sampling Data collection instruments Ethical and limitation sections

3 Research onion

4 Research approaches Deductive research approach
Inductive research approach Abductive research approach

5 Research designs Quantitative research design - Deals with numbers
- appropriate to deductive research approach - Good for examining the relationship b/w variables - SPSS, Excel, minitab

6 Research designs Qualitative research design
- Deals with sentences and questions - Appropriate to inductive and abductive - Good for examining relationship b/w two entities

7 Research strategy A plan to achieve your research objectives Survey
Case study Experiment Archival research Ethnography Action research Ground theory Narrative inquiry

8 Experiment It is associated with quantitative
Independent variable Vs Dependent variable Control group Vs Experimental group

9 Survey Common used by bachelor students
Works well with exploratory, deductive and quantitative It focuses on sampling and data collection

10 Case study It is most common used by bachelor students
It is about examining a phenomena within its context It works well with any kind of research nature It can be single or multiple case study It can be holistic case study or embedded case study

11 Choosing the time horizon
Cross sectional studies - particular moment or time - more used by students Longitudinal studies -studies the change and development of a phenomena - it is in the long term - it is very strong approach

12 Reliability and validity
Reliability means whether your data collection techniques and analytic procedures would reproduce consistent findings if they were repeated on another occasion or replicated by another researcher Threats to reliability - participant error - participant bias - researcher error - researcher bias

13 Reliability and validity
Validity can be categorized -construct validity - internal validity - external validity

14 Population and sampling
Population are the all entities that are relevant for your research (people or companies) Sample is a part of that population If your population is small and you include it whole- it is called census. If your population is large, you need to select a sample from it. Selection of your sample needs to be justified Results from your sample needs to generalizable

15 Steps of sampling Three steps - identify your population
- decide on sample size - choose sampling technique

16 Steps of sampling Step 1: Identify population
Identify Complete list of all cases in the population from which sample will be drawn Step 2: decide about sample size Your samples should be at least 30 Decide your confidence level most likely 95% Decide your marginal error most likely 3-5% Step 3: choose sampling techniques

17 Probability sampling techniques
Simple Systematic Stratified Cluster Probability sampling means the probability of each case being selected from the population is known. It is usually equal for all cases

18 Non-probability sampling technique
Quota Purposive Volunteer Haphazard non-probability sampling means the probability of each case being selected from the population is not known

19 The practical angle

20 Research design What is research design? Name the research design
Define the research design State the purpose of research design Justify the choice of the design

21 Research population Define the target population
Write the specific characteristics of the population Related studies Justifications

22 Research sample What is sample
Define your sample/ their characteristics Related literature Justifications

23 Research instrument Instrument
- State clearly the instrument to be used. - Define the type of instrument to be used. - Justify the reason for using the instrument.

24 Data collection & analysis
Which process are you using (quantitative or qualitative). Which tool are you using to analyze the data (spss) Related literature Measurement of variables

25 Last sections Ethical considerations Limitations

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