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#1 #3 #4 #2 Onward! To Common Core!.

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1 #1 #3 #4 #2 Onward! To Common Core!

2 Curriculum Mapping

3 Goals Initiated district-wide, as part of transition to Common Core Standards Every teacher to have one subject, mapped, and posted to their webpage by May 2013 Today…Understanding what mapping is and map first unit for this year

4 What is a Curriculum Map?
Big picture, map, of entire year’s curriculum Individual, sequential document of what is actually taught in a subject. What “I” teach, with my activities, labs, etc. Shows my pacing Demonstrates proof of how “I” align my curriculum with standards

5 Why Curriculum Mapping?
Organize and know where we are. Then, we can make adjustments for Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Align Curriculum Vertically To CCSS and PASS Reflective Practices Test Analysis

6 How to Map Curriculum? Start with what you already know. Curriculum
Activities that you use Next: Essential Questions Standards – use CCSS if you have them, and PASS if you don’t Pacing – Do this last. Microsoft Word (Diary Map Format)

7 Examples

8 What is an Essential Question?
Give the “Big Picture” of what you want students to learn (either Content based or Inquiry.) Student Centered Students should be able to answer questions. Results in an original answer from students Curriculum related (but not topic specific) Thought provoking Broad language

9 How do you write an essential question?
Consider the focus of the unit. Begin with the 6 typical questions: Who? What? Where? When? Why? And How? From these questions formulate your essential questions.

10 Types of Essential Questions
Which one? How? What if? Should? Why?

11 Example Essential Questions
Science How do chemicals benefit society? Are animals essential for man’s survival?  Explain Math When should I multiply? How would you explain, demonstrate, or draw the ________ process? Social Studies How have ancient Greeks affected our society? Why would the Europeans want to come to the colonies? Language Arts Why read? What is the connection between reading and writing?

12 Content Topic Titles Units

13 Skills Objectives and Performance Goals
Use “Bloom Words” (Listed on Wheel Handout.)

14 Bloom’s Taxonomy Wheel

15 Activities & Assessment
What is it? Essays, Labs, Tests, etc. Incorporate Instructional Strategies where possible Ex: Use a Venn Diagram to… Ex: Use Cooperative Learning Groups to… Think about those things that assess whether students have the matching skill…evidence!

16 Activities & Assessment
Types of Assessments to use: Formative Assignments that a teacher gives to assess knowledge with the intent of adjusting learning and further activities from results Summative Final Tests or Performance Evaluations

17 Standards Use Common Core where possible.
Once these are done, can be used for lesson plans, etc.

18 Resources Books Websites Technology

19 Practice Group with colleagues in your content area or grade level.
One unit mapped is goal Use the blank template. Questions?

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