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Symbols in The Great Gatsby

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1 Symbols in The Great Gatsby
Or when something is different than what it seems

2 Color Symbols Gray: death, lifelessness (people &land)
Green: money (light at end of Daisy’s peer), Gatsby’s goal Blue: dream (eyes of Dr. Eckleburg-rep’s. sightlessness) White: corruption is underneath-wedding cake, Daisy’s and Jordon’s clothes(airiness and fairylike)

3 More Color Symbols Darks & Lights: Gatsby’s world is deceptive
Gold or Yellow: wealth, materialism Red: violence/violent death Pink: violence underneath

4 More Symbols Valley of Ashes: The Wasteland-T.S. Eliot
Daisy: wealth, position, status, “golden girl,” Eckleburg: represents capitalistic profit(He is the God of the Wasteland.) Ashes: gray, lifeless, wasteland, death, True Reality

5 Still More Symbols Valley of Ashes: The Wasteland-T.S. Eliot
Daisy: wealth, position, status, “golden girl,” Eckleburg: represents capitalistic profit(He is the God of the Wasteland.) Ashes: gray, lifeless, wasteland, death, True Reality Gatsby’s shirts: materialism, waste

6 Really? More Symbols Buchanan’s house: red and white/carpet crimson (blood) Nick’s boats: red & gold: dream stained by violence Myrtle: wears brown when in Valley of Ashes; changes to ecru or cream dresses; she becomes unreal and someone else.

7 Finally, the End of Symbols
East Egg: old money West Egg: new money Gatsby’s car: the American Dream Gatsby’s house: false pretenses

8 Okay, Really the End Gatsby’s uncut books: pretending
Wolfshiem’s cufflinks (teeth): power Nick’s 30th birthday: starting over Gatsby knocking over the clock: can’t go back to the past

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