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SAH Dr. Clifford Mann FRCP FCEM

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1 SAH Dr. Clifford Mann FRCP FCEM
     Diagnosis in Primary care and the ED Dr. Clifford Mann FRCP FCEM President of the College of Emergency Medicine

2 Diagnosis in General Practice
90% of people suffer headache 4.4% of all GP consultations 1 headache patient per week 1 SAH patient per 7 years 350:1 probability

3 In this study Affected outcome in 71% of these
Diagnosis delayed in 42% 17.6% presented to GP

4 What we don’t know How typical were the symptoms as described by the patient at first contact after the event? How probable is it that any clinician can diagnose atypical cases when typical cases represent < 0.3% of headaches

5 Diagnosis in 2ry care 50:50 senior : Junior

6 Time of presentation Night = 12% Evening = 26% Day = 60%
With 7 day service all patients could be reviewed within 12hrs of arrival and 75% within 4 hrs

7 Often taught that the typical patient is female and young.
and more common over 50 than under 50 years of age In fact it is more common in middle aged men than young women Often taught that the typical patient is female and young.

8 Almost 20% had inadequate examination
Initial Assessment Almost 20% had inadequate examination 95% had adequate history Almost certainly due to ‘history = scan’

9 One third have motor defect One fifth have pupillary defect
Easy to assess – could easily be on a proforma for ? SAH

10 80:20

11 82% presented to sites without neurosurgery

12 No evidence that distance or journey time is of importance

13 Time to CT (from arrival)
1-3 hrs > 3 hrs <1 hr

14 LP Only 3.6% of patients

15 Secondary Care Diagnosis


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