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The Delayed Effects of Variable Density Flow on Flow and Heads in Fresh Groundwater Frans Schaars Theo Olsthoorn Mark Bakker.

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Presentation on theme: "The Delayed Effects of Variable Density Flow on Flow and Heads in Fresh Groundwater Frans Schaars Theo Olsthoorn Mark Bakker."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Delayed Effects of Variable Density Flow on Flow and Heads in Fresh Groundwater
Frans Schaars Theo Olsthoorn Mark Bakker

2 Variable density modeling
Special interest in the movement of the interface Environmental risk of salinization This presentation: The effect of the variable density flow on flows and heads in the fresh groundwater zone

3 ? Changing flow patterns equilibrium 1mm/d transition

4 Calculations using Sea Water Intrusion Package
A formulation for seawater intrusion that does not require a vertical discretization of the aquifer The formulation is intended for regional modeling for periods of up to 100 years Implemented in a public-domain MODFLOW package

5 The mass balance is replaced by a volume balance (Boussinesq)
Approximations The resistance to vertical flow within an aquifer is neglected (Dupuit) The mass balance is replaced by a volume balance (Boussinesq) Diffusion and dispersion are neglected Heavier water is not allowed above lighter water

6 Case 1 cross section increased recharge on island
z(m+ msl) x(m)

7 Case 1 cross section increased recharge on island
Phreatic head(m+msl) time(y)

8 Case 2 low lying polder area

9 Case 2 low lying polder area

10 Case 2 low lying polder area

11 Case Terschelling Island

12 The magnitude and direction of the effect is time-dependent.
Conclusions The movement of brackish or salt water can have a considerable impact on the flow and heads in the fresh groundwater zone. The magnitude and direction of the effect is time-dependent. For predictions the transmissivity should be adapted to the considered timescale.

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