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Welcome To Our Nursery Information Evening

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome To Our Nursery Information Evening"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome To Our Nursery Information Evening

2 Meet My Teachers

3 Our Timetable 8.45/9.00 – Children arrive and play with the resources.
9.15/1.00/1.00 – Carpet time, this includes finding out what day it is, what the weather is like and discovering what is hidden in the learning chest. This is the time when we may split into smaller groups. 9.30/1.15/ Activities – The children can go inside or outside, adult focus activity and snack time. 11.25/2.40/ Tidy up time. Carpet time story and singing. 11.45/3.00/ Home time. 12.00/ Lunch time – Full time and afternoon children will sit down with their teachers and eat their lunch in the Nursery. 1.40/1.40 – Full time and afternoon children will all go outside for a short play, whilst one member of staff prepares the room for the afternoon.


5 What is the Early Years Foundation Stage?
The Early Years Foundation Stage (E.Y.F.S.) is the stage of education for children from birth to the end of the Reception year. It is based on the recognition that children learn best through play and active learning. We use a document called Development Matters.

6 Children should primarily develop the 3 prime areas. These include:
Your child will be learning skills, acquiring new knowledge and demonstrating their understanding through 7 areas of learning and development Children should primarily develop the 3 prime areas. These include:

7 Personal, Social and Emotional Development
The children will be learning to: become self-confident; have awareness of their own feelings and feelings of others; take an interest in things; become independent; tell the difference between right and wrong.

8 Communication and Language
The children will be learning to: talk confidently and clearly; show awareness of listener enjoy listening to stories, songs and poems, showing good attention; follow instructions; answer questions about stories

9 Physical Development The children will be learning to:
move confidently; control their body; handle equipment. manage their own basic hygiene and personal needs including dressing and undressing independently

10 As children grow, the prime areas will help them to develop skills in 4 specific areas. These include:

11 Literacy The children will be learning to:
hear and say sounds, and link them to the alphabet; recognise and write letters in their names. learn to use a pencil effectively.

12 Mathematics The children will be learning to:
develop an understanding of maths through stories, songs, games and imaginative play; become comfortable with numbers and with ideas such as 'heavier than' or 'bigger’; be aware of shapes and space.

13 Understanding the World
The children will: explore and find out about the world around them, asking questions about it; build with different materials, know about everyday technology and learn what it is used for; find out about past events in their lives and their families' lives; find out about different cultures and beliefs.

14 Expressive Arts and Design
The children will explore: colours and shapes; making things; role play; making music and singing songs

15 How is my child’s learning assessed?

16 Monitoring Progress Observations Learning Journeys
Teacher led activities

17 When can I discuss my child’s progress with their teacher?

18 The first Parent’s Evening is; Wednesday 7th November 5pm-8pm
If you need to discuss aspects of your child’s development and education, or his/her progress at Nursery, there will be termly parent’s evenings as well as appointment times made available every Wednesday, for parents to meet with Mrs Steer. If you are unable to make these appointments talk to Mrs Steer and a more convenient time will be arranged. The Wednesday slots will be; pm, pm and :00pm The first Parent’s Evening is; Wednesday 7th November 5pm-8pm

19 School Website

20 Home Learning Parents in Partnership
How can I help my child learn at home?

21 Reading Library Hand-outs Celebrations Wow! Parent helpers and secret reader

22 Medical Matters Any sickness, diarrhoea, must be followed by 48 hours absence. If your child is absent please call the school office to let us know the reason your child is absent. If your child is feeling unwell, especially if they have been given Calpol for a temperature, please keep them at home until they have recovered, as illness amongst young children spreads quickly. Please alert staff to any allergies your child has!

23 Travelling to Nursery Like the rest of the school, we encourage our children to find healthy ways to travel to Nursery – walking, scooting or cycling. So each day they will be asked which method they used and it is logged onto our interactive program ‘Travel tracker’. Your child will have to complete three active trips to school every week in a month to gain that month’s badge.

24 Cycling and scooting to Nursery
If your child rides their bike or scooter to Nursery, please ensure they DO NOT ride within the school grounds. Please remember to walk bikes/scooters, from the school gates around to the Nursery entrance. Bikes and scooters can be left in the provided shelters.

25 Warning Please remember your child is your responsibility outside the Nursery. For your child’s safety, it is therefore important you accompany your child at all times and they are not permitted to run ahead of you and exit the school gates.

26 Our aim Is to provide your child with many learning opportunities and experiences to prepare them for school and life. We want to create a happy, positive, caring and trusting environment and have lots of fun on the way.

27 Questions!

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