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Uniwappen F. Pukelsheim Będlewo, 20 August 2018

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1 Uniwappen F. Pukelsheim Będlewo, 20 August 2018
Degressive Representation and the 2019 EP Elections

2 Degressive Representation European Parliament Elections
Titelfolie Friedrich Pukelsheim Będlewo, 20 August 2018 Degressive Representation and the 2019 European Parliament Elections Degressive Representation and the 2019 EP Elections

3 Werbung PR2ndEd 2017 xxvii+342 pp.

4 Foto EP Friedrich Pukelsheim Degressive Repräsentation und EP
Zeppelin Universität, 28. November 2017

5 The term composition of the EP means
the distribution of the (751) EP seats between the (28) Member States i.e. in 2019 after Brexit: the distribution of 705 EP seats between 27 Member States In the past: by negotiation Vision for the future: by a formula

6 Workshop Fotos

7 Degressive representation
The concept of degressive representation is meant to be a manifestation of solidarity: The more populous states agree to be underrepresented in order to allow the less populous states to be represented better. EP resolution, 11 October 2007 EP terminology (misleading, I find): degressive proportionality

8 Map: Catalonia

9 2017 Catalan majority inversion 1
At the 2017 election of the Catalan parliament the staunch-independence parties (JxC+ERC+CUP) totaled 48.3 % of the effective votes and 51.9 % of the parliamentary seats.

10 2017 Catalan majority inversion 2
At the 2017 election of the Catalan parliament the staunch-independence parties (JxC+ERC+CUP) totaled 48.3 % of the effective votes and 51.9 % of the parliamentary seats. This majority inversion was caused solely by

11 2017 Catalan majority inversion 3
At the 2017 election of the Catalan parliament the staunch-independence parties (JxC+ERC+CUP) totaled 48.3 % of the effective votes and 51.9 % of the parliamentary seats. This majority inversion was caused solely by DEGRESSIVITY

12 Estatut D’Autonomia The 1979 Estatut d’Autonomia (regional constitution) codifies a general rule, as well as a specific allocation: The electoral districts will be the four provinces of Barcelona, Girona, Lleida and Tarragona. The Catalan Parliament will consist of 135 MPs. The Barcelona district will elect one MP per every inhabitants, with a maximum of 85 MPs. The districts of Girona, Lleida and Tarragona will elect at least 6 MPs plus one per every inhabitants, and they will be allocated respectively 17, 15 and 18 MPs.

13 Province Seats Barcelona 85 Tarragona 18 Girona 17 Lleida 15 Sum 135
Catalan pop figures 1 Province Seats Barcelona 85 Tarragona 18 Girona 17 Lleida 15 Sum 135

14 Province Seats Pop1979 Barcelona 85 4 389 737 Tarragona 18 480 325
Catalan pop figures 2 Province Seats Pop1979 Barcelona 85 Tarragona 18 Girona 17 Lleida 15 Sum 135 Tarragona, Girona, Lleida: 6 base seats + 1 seat per of Pop1979 Source for Pop1979 (estimated from 1976): by courtesy of Xavier Mora, Barcelona

15 Province Seats Pop1979 RR1979 Barcelona 85 4 389 737 51 644 Tarragona
Catalan pop figures 3 Province Seats Pop1979 RR1979 Barcelona 85 51 644 Tarragona 18 26 685 Girona 17 25 988 Lleida 15 23 224 Sum 135 Tarragona, Girona, Lleida: 6 base seats + 1 seat per of Pop1979 RR = representation ratio = Pop / Seats, rounded to nearest integer

16 Province Seats Pop1979 RR1979 Pop2017 RR2017 Barcelona 85 4 389 737
Catalan pop figures 4 Province Seats Pop1979 RR1979 Pop2017 RR2017 Barcelona 85 51 644 65 100 Tarragona 18 26 685 44 014 Girona 17 25 988 43 690 Lleida 15 23 224 28 522 Sum 135 Tarragona, Girona, Lleida: 6 base seats + 1 seat per of Pop1979 RR = representation ratio = Pop / Seats, rounded to nearest integer Source for Pop2017:

17 Separate district evaluations
2017 election: Four separate district apportionments Cs JxC ERC PSC CeCP CUP PP Div. Barcelona 85 24 17 18 13 7 3 36 000 Tarragona 5 96 031 4 52 017 2 23 653 1 17 687 20 188 20 160 Girona 79 634 88 582 35 197 16 482 21 708 11 646 19 000 Lleida 15 40 908 78 303 6 64 417 21 795 9 415 12 140 10 902 12 500 Sum 36 34 32 8 JxC + ERC + CUP: votes = / = 48.3 % yield seats = 70 / 135 = 51.9 %

18 equally on the whole electorate
What if OPOV What if the OPOV principle “One Person—One Vote” would be imposed equally on the whole electorate ?

19 The super-apportionment
Cs JxC ERC PSC CeCP CUP PP Div. Votes Seats 35 30 19 10 6 5 31 000 JxC + ERC + CUP: votes = / = 48.3 % yield seats = 66 / 135 = 48.9 %

20 The double-proportional sub-apportionment
Cs-35 JxC-30 ERC-30 PSC-19 CeCP-10 CUP-6 PP-5 Province Divisor Barcelona-85 34 600 Tarragona-18   6   4   4   2 18 470 Girona-17   3   6   4   2 18 280 Lleida-15   3   5   5   1 11 330 Party Divisor 1.0893 1.2 1.136 0.9627 0.9 1 Sample calculation: /( x ) = → 23 seats In each row: The seat numbers meet the given district magnitude. In each column: The seat numbers exhaust the overall party seats.

21 Map: 2014 EU-28

22 Degressivity augmentation of 2014 composition
Member State QMV2017 2014 RR2014 Augm. 2014DP RR2014DP Germany 82 064 489 96 854 838 France 66 661 621 74 *900 833 4 78 854 636 Italy 61 302 519 73 839 761 Spain 46 438 422 54 *859 971 2 56 829 258 Poland 37 967 209 51 744 455 Romania 19 759 968 32 617 499 The Netherlands 17 235 349 26 *662 898 28 615 548 Belgium 11 289 853 21 537 612 Greece 10 793 526 513 977 Czech Republic 10 445 783 497 418 Portugal 10 341 330 492 444 Sweden 9 998 000 20 *499 900 1 476 095 Hungary 9 830 485 468 118 Austria 8 711 500 18 *483 972 19 458 500 Bulgaria 7 153 784 17 420 811 Denmark 5 700 917 13 *438 532 14 407 208 Finland 5 465 408 †420 416 390 386 Slovakia 5 407 910 †415 993 386 279 Ireland 4 664 156 11 *424 014 358 781 Croatia 4 190 669 †380 970 12 349 222 Lithuania 2 888 558 262 596 Slovenia 2 064 188 8 258 024 Latvia 1 968 957 246 120 Estonia 1 315 944 6 219 324 Cyprus 848 319 141 387 Luxembourg 576 249 96 042 Malta 434 403 72 401 Sum 445 519 516 678 —     16 694

23 NLCC, FPS method, and 2019 composition
Member State 2014DP NLCC FPS 2019 RR2019 Increm. Germany 96 ●96 854 838 France 78 82 80 79 843 818 1 Italy 73 76 75 806 612 3 Spain 56 59 60 787 092 Poland 51 ●51 52 730 139 Romania 32 ●32 33 598 787 The Netherlands 28 ●28 29 594 322 Belgium 21 ●21 537 612 Greece 513 977 Czech Republic 497 418 Portugal 492 444 Sweden 476 095 Hungary 468 118 Austria 19 ●19 458 500 Bulgaria 17 ●17 420 811 Denmark 14 ●14 407 208 Finland 390 386 Slovakia 386 279 Ireland 13 ●13 358 781 Croatia 12 ●12 349 222 Lithuania 11 ●11 262 596 Slovenia 8 9 258 024 Latvia 246 120 Estonia 6 7 187 992 Cyprus 141 387 Luxembourg 96 042 Malta ●6 72 401 Sum 694 705 —    

24 Unionwide aggregation by Political Groups
2014 EP elections: Aggregation of votes by Political Groups Political Group Votes Quotient OPOV 2014 Diff. S&D 200.9 201 191 -10 EPP 221 20 ALDE 65.8 66 67 1 GUE/NGL 59.9 60 52 -8 ECR 59.7 70 10 GREENS/EFA 57.7 58 50 EFDD 54.1 54 48 -6 NI 51.1 51 Sum (Divisor) ( ) 751 32-32

25 Does the European Union feature PPELs?
Unionwide aggregation of votes requires Political Parties at European Level (PPELs). Question: Does the European Union feature PPELs?

26 Visibility of European parties

27 Austria Estonia Latvia
Ballot structures Austria Estonia Latvia Lithuania Romania Czech Rep.

28 Latvia: plusses v. crossings out
PT, LV, gallery Latvia: plusses v. crossings out Ballot gallery for 2014 elections at

29 Check your ballot for PPELs at the elections to the 9th EP on
9th EP elections 2019 Your homework task: Check your ballot for PPELs at the elections to the 9th EP on Th.-Su Mai 2019

30 References References: R. Camps / X. Mora (2018): Proporcionalitat i equalització territorial: El sistema biproporcional. A. Duff (2018): How to Govern Europe better: Reflections on Reform of the European Parliament, Commission and Council. pub_details.php?cat_id=17&pub_id=8271 F. Pukelsheim (2017): Proportional Representation – Apportionment Methods and Their Applications. With a Foreword by Andrew Duff MEP. Second edition. Cham, Springer International Publishing. F. Pukelsheim / G.R. Grimmett (2018): Degressive representation of Member States in the European Parliament Representation 54. F. Pukelsheim (2018): Compositional proportionality among European political parties at European Parliament elections. Central European Political Studies Review 20.

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