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Passions and Emotions.

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Presentation on theme: "Passions and Emotions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Passions and Emotions

2 Intro – Match a Passion to Each Item
grades dating parents friends appearance adults money school parties church former friends inconsiderate people siblings God love hatred desire fear joy sadness anger

3 Note The term ‘passions’ means ‘emotions’ or ‘feelings’ that prompt us as human beings to act or not to act to something ‘felt’ or imagined to be good or bad. Passions are natural parts of the human being. In themselves passions are neither good nor bad, it is our response to the passions (what we do because we ‘feel’ a certain way) that is important. We are called to use our reason and wisdom in responding to the ‘feelings’ we experience by thinking about the short and long term effects of the choice on a personal and community level.

4 Handout – The Choice is Yours
Complete the handout (both sides) and be prepared to share your answers with the class.

5 Discussion Think about the questions that deal with the ideal of how we make decisions. How much of a role do our emotions play in our decision making process?

6 Note Emotions are like horses. Some are tame, some are wild, all need to be cared for and ruled by prudence (practical wisdom), fortitude (courage), temperance (self-control), and justice (fairness), as a horse needs to be ruled by a rider. The horse should not lead the rider, nor should the rider lock the horse up in a stable all the time. Wise control is good for the horse as well as for the rider, and wise control of our emotions is good for the emotions as well as for the mind and will that govern them.

7 Textbook Read page 41 “Passions”
Read page 42 “Emotions Call Us to God and to Others” Discuss

8 Crossword Puzzle Complete the crossword based on the textbook readings

9 Textbook Read page 37 “Bound in Leather”
Answer the reflection questions: Why did Jacob wish away his emotions? Lynn says that Jacob “always takes the path of least resistance.” How is this related to his lack of emotions? Do you think Jacob would wish away his emotions a second time? Why or why not? Are all emotions valuable? Explain.

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