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Africa’s Government and Religion

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1 Africa’s Government and Religion
Today we are learning about the governments and religions that influenced life in medieval Africa

2 Government & Society All citizens were allowed to come to a meeting w/ the king to voice complaints. Kings settled arguments Managed trade Protected the empire Subjects Had to obey the king completely

3 Ghana’s Government King Council of ministers (close advisors)
Lesser Kings – conquered leaders (governed provinces) District Chiefs (governed smaller districts) Each district had a Chief’s clan (group of people from the same ancestor)

4 Kings most important job – control trade
No one traded w/out his permission Illegal to own a gold nugget Only allowed to trade gold dust ???? Why not the son???? Royal blood lines were matrilineal (passed on by mother) Throne inherited by nephew, not son

5 Mali’s Government Like Ghana’s but larger
More territory, people, trade Royal officials – more responsibilities Specialized- each was in charge of something dif. Generals – oversaw the provinces divided by Sundiata Trousers – Military honor to wear sewn clothes

6 Songhai’s Government Modeled after Ghana & Mali
Sunni Ali – Divided empire into provinces Never finished what he started Died mysteriously in 1492 Muhammad Ture – general, took over Loyal Muslim Religion affected the government

7 Traditional African Religions
Located here Olaudah Equiano – Igbo, disagreed with Europeans – he said they did believe in a higher power Common Belief - in one supreme god Communication Nanti in E. Africa – talk directly to their god Igbo – only be spoken to through less powerful gods Helped people stay in touch w/ their history Dead relatives spirits stayed in the community

8 3 Major African Religions Today
Muslim Christians Traditional

9 Islam in Africa Ibn Battuta – Arab lawyer from Morocco
1325- goes to see the Muslim world Islam had been spreading since 600s Mansa Musa – ruler of Mali 1324- made pilgrimage to Makkah

10 Mansa Musa

11 Songhai and Askia Muhammad
Sunni Ali – declared himself a Muslim to keep support of townspeople, but practiced a traditional religion Sunni’s son – refused Muhammad Ture – general, took over the gov. when had support of Muslim’s townspeople Took the name Askia Muhammad – Askia is a rank in the Songhai army Honored Muslim laws Made Timbuktu a center for Islamic culture

12 Islam in East Africa Sultan of Mogadishu was honored by Ibn Battuta visiting He spoke in both Arabic and Swahili Swahili – “people of the coast” The unique culture The language spoken Swahili – exist in East Africa today Blend of African and Muslim influences Europeans and Portuguese tried to destroy it Swahili outlived European rule

13 Islam’s Impact Africans who accepted Islam adopted: Islamic laws
Ideas of right/wrong Education Arabic language Art/Architecture

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